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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. Just get on the popular auction site and search wonder spin, you can pick some up for about 10 dollars, just get one with a good handle.
  2. Doyo also owns a company in Qingdao China
  3. We often say that BPS and Pure Fishing and Lews are all made in the same factory, while they do look a lot alike and share some technology they are in fact made in different places. A company in South Korea by the Name of Dawon Engineering produces reels for BPS while Doyo Engineering produces reels for Pure fishing, I do not have the facts on Lews but suspect that they may actually be made by Dawon because ot the head of Lews and his former association with BPS,it would make sense that he used his old contacts, but I have no proof of this. Here are link to the two companies, Dawon also holds 6 patents on reel design including the dual braking that is found in many reels. The only proof that Pure Fishing uses Doyo to build their reels is that I have been able to research and find import/export documents available online and many come from Doyo manufacturing with the contents listed as fishing reels. http://www.dawonengco.com/eng/html/company_1.php http://www.doyofishing.co.kr/goods/list.php?category=006 .
  4. The Zebco 33 is an all time classic, if you were a kid and didn't have the opportunity to enjoy this reel, I feel like you missed an American Tradition, the 202 was not too bad either. You will have an almost impossible time finding any reel that is made in the USA, unless you can find some older Ardents. A majority of reels today are made overseas with many being made in Japan, Korea or China. It's debatable but the higher quality reels are often thought to be made in Japan.
  5. As a metaphor I have always thought that "Flagship" meant high profile or most expensive, maybe I have been using the term incorrectly.
  6. What are some of the American made reels that you have?
  7. Curious as to which model you are thinking of trying.
  8. Booty, sadly I think he is for real. Reminds me of someone else that had a similar name and was from Fl.
  9. The Curado and Zillion are these company's workhorse reels, but they have others of much higher quality that would be considered their flagship reels. When I hear Daiwa flagship I think Steez and Shimano I think Calais. But even these have changed.
  10. Well I quess I have been around fishing a little longer than you, because I can remember a time when there was no KVD reel. Honestly if you asked me what their top reel was I probably would not have known, I assumed that the new Mag reel was their flagship model now. Again, I think it is a case of too many models and poor marketing. One thing I find odd is when one of the major three companies come out with a new reel, there is talk about it for a month of so before, when Quantum released their Mag. reel I seen no advertising or heard no chatter about it on any of the forums I attend. I can tell you in my neck of the woods, Quantum has very little following. There are a few guys that own the Smoke or EXO, but as a whole their market share in our area is very low.
  11. Returned from a fishing trip with friends, decided we would stop and eat at a small diner with plenty of windows. Pulled the truck and boat up to the window where we could clearly see it. I had a large tackle bag that was placed up under the console, it was heavy and a tight fit. There were also several thousands of dollars in rods and reels on the deck the of the boat. Came out from eating a gave everything a quick check and noticed the bag was gone, have no idea how someone was able to get it out of the boat unnoticed but they did. My home owners insurance covered it, but I had to itemize everything lost, think about what you have and try to image how hard that was, how do you value custom baits to an insurance company representative, that has no idea what is what. Anyway they devalued a lot of stuff and depreciated things like knives and pliers. I came out OK but it was almost enough to make me want to quit. It had to be someone who had no idea, because the rods and reels would have been worth more and easier to get. Learn from my mistake, lock your stuff up.
  12. while Zebco has a long storied past in American fishing, I think most of us think back to the model 202 and 33 when we hear the name. Unfortunately spincast reels are most often associated with entry level beginner type equipment. I think the association from Zebco to Quantum has hurt Quantum some. Also I think they have too many products, many of them are lower end equipment and frankly a lot of them are lower quality. I wish they would just pick 7-8 models and really develop them instead of working of 17 -20 models. Quantum also hurt themselves some several years back with reels that had poor quality control, the finishes on the reels were very bad. Every major brand has reels in their lineup that are great, Shimano has the Curado, Daiwa has the Zillion, Abu has the Premier, etc. etc. Quantum needs to establish a reel in their lineup that has the same known consistency for quality. Not bad reels, bad marketing in my opinion.
  13. They have about 17 models of baitcasters and 20 models of spinning reels, how many can you name?
  14. Two years ago I had about 4000 dollars worth of gear stolen, the only way I can describe the feeling is it reminded me of when I was a kid and someone stole my bicycle. My insurance covered most of it.
  15. You got me there, this was considered hi-tech equipment even as late as the mid 80's. I have some reels from the early 1900's through 1940. I still have my very first quality reel that was ever given me an old Abumatic 60, that my Grandmother gave me, believe it is circa 1950 +- a few years.
  16. All of the major MFG's as well as some site sponsors will have jigs in this range. Some of the ones I like are the Brovarny and Dirty Jigs.
  17. I always like how this question turns out.
  18. The carbonlite is a good rod with respect to its price range, with your budget you can certainly look at rods that out perform it. St Croix Avid, some of the Dobyns and Powell rods are within your price range, the bottom line is with 200 dollars to spend you have a lot of options.
  19. Not making light of the thread. I was digging around in the garage today and come across one of my old setups, this is a Shimano Bantam Mag Plus 25OXsg XHS. This was the big dog super high speed reel, had a blazing fast gear ratio of 5.1:1, the main gear is about the size of a quarter and it has 1 bearing, the rod is a Pistol Grip Shakespeare 5'6" med action grahite composite. This was how we use to get it done, this reel will still cast a 3/8oz spinnerbait 30 yards. Looking at this setup, almost makes me embarrassed at the money I have tied up in new high tech graphite rods and improved reels. Anyway just wanted to share.
  20. You might give a 1/4oz swimjig with one of those same twister tails as a trailer, would be worth the effort in my opinion.
  21. I once caught a goose on a popiel pocket fisherman at a State Park, the Game Warden nor my Grandfather seemed to like my new kite nearly as much as the small crowd that had gathered to watch me try and reel it in. In the end, I won the battle with the goose, and the hook was removed from its beak. So I guess you are smarter than me, at least you caught a fish, not a water fowl.
  22. You should know I take my sarcasm very seriously........I was just messin with Jrob.
  23. Why, what's wrong with those?
  24. Definitely a Berkley Frenzy Deep Diver
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