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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. Thanks for the explanation, in my mind the difference in time it takes to make 1 rotation with an 80mm handle -vs- a 100mm is so small that it makes no practical difference.
  2. Spend a few minutes throwing a top water bait of some type first thing.
  3. spinnerbaits, crankbaits, jerkbaits, jigs, frogs, buzzbaits, poppers, prop baits, there is a culture for each of these, with a million variations and color patterns to go with them. My advice is don't worry about filling up your tackle box, pick a couple of baits and learn to use them effectively. Try to understand what makes one different from the other and most importantly learn what you like about one over the other. The goal ultimately is to know exactly what you are looking for in a particular style of bait. Don't be in a hurry, the fish are not going anywhere. Here is a good bait to get started with, find yourself a war eagle spinnerbait in a color that you like, 3/8 or 1/2 oz work well, pick a blade combination that you like. I usually start with a willow/Colorado combination, then just fish it. When you catch a fish, ask yourself why, do the same when you don't. Good luck
  4. Increasing the handle length does not change the gear ratio. The ratio between the handle and drive gear is 1 to 1 regardless of handle length. What is gained with an increase in handle length is leverage. Sorry I didn't understand your point about the shorter handle, can you elaborate a little on it.
  5. So it's the age of the child that bothers you and not so much the form of punishment?
  6. Cool, way to show a little passion about something, it is something rarely seen in today's politically correct, socialist society. I don't feel like the time out generation is anything made up, it was an acceptable form of discipline practiced by a generation of parents, much the same as previous generations practiced something a little more physical, I mean if there is such thing as the Nintendo generation, is it really that big of a stretch.. I agree with your statement about MLB and might as well add in the NBA, as all those organizations are comprised of a sampling of people all across the United States from very diverse background and varied levels monetary wealth. My point was not about the organization but more about the generation. Anyway, we won't agree on this and we won't change each others minds, so lets just talk about fishing, it is easier to find common ground.
  7. Think about the mentality of the previous generation to us that are near 50.... Bomb our harbor and we will drop an atomic bomb on your country. We are getting better...... I think.
  8. I fish chatter baits some, and I have learned a few things that I will share with you. The first is buy a quality product, and one of the most well known brands for this type of bait are way down on the list IMO. Get one with a good sharp hook, and a good quality blade that does not bend easily. I prefer a bait that uses a 1/2oz head, lighter than that and they tend to rise in the water column as they are worked. I like to throw them on a MH/F rod with either FC or Copoly line, I like a reel that has a little higher IPT but nothing to crazy. The way I work the bait is to cast it and let it sink to what ever depth I want to cover, I then begin a steady retrieve until I can feel the bait begin to "chatter" I don't reel any faster than it takes to impart this action on the bait. I often fish them with no trailer, it's my preference as I feel like they already have a lot going on. My favorite areas to throw them in are contour breaks and sandy points that have either emergent or dyeing grass. They are a great bait and have the potential to catch a lot of nice fish. Good Luck
  9. Most of the players/thugs that you are watching in the NFL now are all from the "Time Out" generation. Ask any of the members here that are 50 or older and see how they were punished. My Parents and Grandparents would all be in jail by today's standards.
  10. I prefer the palomar knot on swivels, knots that require you to wrap the line around itself are more difficult to tie when you have to deal with the swivel spinning. I don't use the palomar knot on anything that has treble hooks because I don't like passing the loop over them. It's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
  11. Lots of very good jigs on the commercial and custom market, you don't have to look very hard to find some great ones. I enjoy building my own, as I am learning a body of water, I pay attention to what the fish I catch are spitting up, what the small baitfish look like, I gather all the information that I can, are they feeding on shad, bluegill, crayfish, caterpillars, frogs, or something else. I then try to build baits to incorporate some of he same colors as the primary forage. I can change anything I don't like and make it my own design. I don't have to try to explain to someone else what it is that I want, I can see what changes look like immediately, and I can fine tune the bait to get exactly what I want. If you have the time and means to do this, it is something that is very relaxing, it is also very rewarding when a friend or yourself use a bait that you create to catch fish. You are only limited by your time and imagination, Oh, and money.
  12. Just 1......................................room full.
  13. TheTatula has impressed me enough that I will have one to try when they become available.
  14. I don't know exactly but I have a bunch. Let's just call it 20 casting setups with a bunch of backup reels, and 7 spinning setups. My favorite rod, is a Dobyns Champion 734C, I have much more expensive rods, but I love the action and versatility of that rod, if I could find an NRX with its action it would be perfect. Spinning is an LTB MXF I have too many reels to say that I have a favorite, but I have used Abu Revo Gen 2 Premiers for several years now, and while I have owned many other reels from most every company out there, nothing I can afford has impressed me enough to get rid of them. If I had to pick one I would say my original JDM Revo Elite IB.
  15. Poes RC1 crankbait.
  16. Agreed, I think braid with a leader is good setup on spinning reels, but I don't think I would bother with a very short mono leader if one of my main concerns was visibility. personally I would use a longer FC leader with a small union knot and call it a day.
  17. A 5 inch Yamamoto Senko weights 3/8 oz. before the hook.
  18. Seems like if it was heat from line being spooled on, there would be at least a little discoloration on the TWS, might be a way to check. The other thing that makes me think it is not from line is the fact that there are two grooves, when the line is being spooled on it sits in a very narrow grove in the guide so it seems it would be limited to just one small area and not two clearly defined grooves. I can't understand why the line would rub in either of those two positions.
  19. Seems like you are making it a lot harder than it has to be. A couple of options, use a less visible braid. Use the less visible braid with no leader. Camouflage / color the last 2 ft of so of the high vis braid you are using now and ditch the leader. Choose a rod without microguides. Use a good quality FC line. If you want to stick with what you are using your leader length is going to be defined by how much line you are comfortable with being out while making your cast. If you are fishing from a boat and casting distance is not an issue, you could pitch the bait, that would allow for a much longer leader without reaching the quides. Anyway good luck.
  20. So what do you see as the benefit of a short mono leader?
  21. Use what you like, the Revo 3 is a good reel, it is not great. If you want a better Revo, find a Gen 2 Premier, it will fish with any of the reels mentioned and save you 100+ dollars.
  22. So I am trying to understand this, you are using braid with a mono leader because you are afraid the fish will be scared by line visibility? You are concerned with a union knot passing through the tip top so in your case you will use a 8 - 10" leader. And all of this is to avoid FC line? Hmmmm
  23. Wabash Indiana September Average High 76 Average Low 56 Record High 95 (1991) Record Low 31 (1993) Rain 2.68 avg.
  24. My buddy has a way of fishing when things get a little tough that makes me laugh. He calls it his doughnut pattern. He says " It is just like a box of doughnuts, there is always one left and no one takes it initially, but put it in front of them and leave it there long enough someone will always eat it." I guess it is just his way of saying stop changing baits so much and throw what your confident in, eventually you will put it in front of one long enough and get bit.
  25. I have used the improved clinch knot for a long time without problem. I do tie the S.J. knot once in a while, it is a good knot also.
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