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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. I agree, I would not recommend someone that is just starting out use FC line, too expensive and does damage when kinked. But to honestly help the young man, changing line is not going to be enough, we need to understand the root cause.
  2. In my mind it would involve a freq. generator so that the input could be controlled in very small graduation and reproduced for comparison. The problem with this is that it would only tell you which rod was better at certain frequencies. I wonder if after enough testing, if a range of frequencies would be preferred by a majority of anglers and based on that you could label one rod better than the other or if a test could be developed to determine which freq. individual anglers could feel the best and a rod could be selected for an individual based on that information. Now you have done it, I will be thinking about this for the next couple of days.
  3. It may be splitting hairs but there is a difference. If you devised a device that could accurately measure what we commonly call sensitivity, then you could truly say which rod has the greatest. As it is now it is entirely subjective and opinion based. This should not be confused with what feels best in your hand, because I am sure we would soon find out that the two are not usually the same.
  4. I think all of these blanks along with a custom build on the NRX have the potential to be very sensitive. But I would also bet that if we took a sampling of 10 individuals from this site and let them all test rods from these manufacturers that we would not have a unanimous winner. Much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is sensitivity. What we need is some wily engineer type to develop a tool that can truly measure sensitivity.
  5. I am in the market for a few good prop baits and a couple of wakebaits. I have the Deps Buzzjet on the radar, but have not decided on the prop bait.
  6. Seems like a lot of people addressing this as a line issue, when to me we should be trying to figure out why he is having problems casting. OP are you sure you are setting your reel up properly?
  7. I think that the H2O baits may be the best value going, they have a great finish, good hooks, and run well. I use their prop baits, sammy, and gunfish clones, and their crankbaits are nice also. While I own many more expensive baits, I often find myself reaching for an H2O.
  8. I was being sarcastic, but also making a point. The fact that two baits look much alike means very little in how they will perform on the water. I think all of us wish we could find LC quality in a 3 dollar bait, but the truth of the matter is that it just does not exist.
  9. Or, it could have nothing to do with that at all and could be based upon the fact that the NFL has already set a precedence for how it handles domestic violence issues. The reality is that the players union is more than likely behind this action.
  10. Right around 2 lbs. I caught him at a sandpit on a Bomber crankbait, he was almost completely black, had a big knot on his forehead. My son had never seen one get this big and because of his coloring and the knot on his head did not even recognize the fish as a bluegill. I have caught many over a 1 lb , but never anything close to size of this beast.
  11. Don't those garbage hooks LOOK exactly like the ones on the Sammy? Why get rid of them, you can probably buy a whole box of them for the price of a couple of quality hooks.
  12. Just heard that Rice is going to appeal his suspension, and possibly file a grievance against the Ravens for his termination. They went on to say that the appeal would open the door for the NFL to conduct it's own investigation into when and who actually seen the video. Should be interesting.
  13. No comparison, go with the MGX.
  14. If you are over the age of 21 there is a video available. The name of it is "Debbie does Shimano" good luck.
  15. My only hope is that the media will get Charles Barkley to weigh in on this matter and make sense of it all. See his short interview about the situation with Rice, what the media does to drum up ratings should be illegal.
  16. Great Job!! Stay after it, it will be over before you know it, then you will look back on it in about 20 years and think about how much fun you had.
  17. If you both are as interested in fishing as you appear to be, I assume someday that you would like to own a boat, and truck to pull it with, nice gear and the money it takes to travel to the lake to fish. Well school it what is going to provide that for you. Hard to participate in this sport without some sort of steady income, and minimum wage jobs don't allow for extras like fishing.
  18. I own and use both regularly, both are very good rods. I find the Champion to be only a little better than the Avid, and I give it that edge because of it's balance. I personally find the LTB to be a notch above the Champion, based mostly on using it for bottom contact baits and what I perceive to be better sensitivity.
  19. Raul the design of the diamond shad has changed a few times over the years, the tell tale sign that this may very well be a diamond shad is the location and design of the eye. Here is a picture of an older diamond shad, notice the fin on the back, but take a look at the design and position of the eye.
  20. This was my original thought as well.
  21. This was part of your original statement and what I was addressing, "That larger handle effectively reduces the overall gear ratio because the handle is, itself, a gear." and I will stand by my statement that handle length has no effect on gear ratio. If we are now discussing something different it may be above my pay grade.
  22. Thanks for taking the time to draw the picture and do the math. I understand the physics of it completely. On a larger scale a longer handle would have some real world implications that would have to be considered if you wanted to gain the additional leverage by extending it. The trade off for gaining the additional leverage of a 100mm handle over that of an 80MM handle is that you have to move the handle an additional 2.5" per rotation to perform the same work. In real world application with a fishing reel, the time it takes to move this additional distance is almost unmeasurable. Fractions of a second. So what you end up with is this, a shorter handle requires more effort to perform the same amount of work and is insignificantly faster. Just my thoughts
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