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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. A.K.A. Ignorance is bliss............
  2. Great observation
  3. Nah, your making it too difficult, all you need to know is if it stank or not.
  4. The problem is once you have the information regarding what you can feel the best, would you be able to get a rod in the matched frequency in the power and action that you would like, or would your choice be limited to maybe just a couple.
  5. you sure it wasn't a fart, unless you are using an NRX it is hard to tell the difference.
  6. What if instead of one machine, you had two. The first would measure at what frequency the subject rod resonates the best. The other machine would measure what frequency an angler can feel best. This would lead to rods that were very customized based on the frequency of vibration an angler could feel the best and would be the most sensitive rod for him. Just thinking.....
  7. I think that if I were in your situation that instead of asking for a raise, which sounds like it may be hard to impossible to get. I would ask for the management team to not only reward for meeting goals, but to hold accountable for poor performance. Tell them that you are concerned for the company and want to see them excel, and that you also want to be able to meet the established goals so you can earn your bonus consistently. Let them know that part of the problem is that the management team appears to be inconsistent in regards to holding people accountable for their performance and actions, and that it is taking away from the motivation of the group that is trying to perform at a high level. Ask them to be fair and consistent, any member of a respectable management team should respect that request. Remember to not bring it down to a personal level, this person failed to do this and that person done that, keep it in general terms. Always, always try to be part of the solution, it does not take someone special to point out problems, but it does take someone special to provide and work to a solution. This more than anything else is what will get you noticed for a potential raise and promotion. As a member of the Military I know you understand the importance of team. Surround yourself with like minded people and work as a team to create the environment and influence the change that you are looking for. Best of luck
  8. If your company has an annual or semi annual wage evaluation process, I would gather my facts and present it at that time. I would not use the information in your first example, while you were able to cut the hours from 700 to 230 and that shows great promise, you still did not meet the standard of 180 hours. While it may be their own fault, through poor biding to win the job, It is hard to justify a raise based on a job that the company is still losing money on. You might use it to justify a new position which pays more. I would also be very careful about coming on a public forum and making derogatory statements about your management team. If only one of them see this I don't think it will hold well for your future with the company. What ever you decide to do, I wish you good luck.
  9. The red and black looks good but it is tiresome, it has been done to death. I found the Tatula for 92 and the Type R for 119, so that is 25-30 dollar difference. Seems like to me it just boils down to what you want, they are a very good reel in this price range.
  10. Different paint, ported frame, red anodized spool and tension cap and available in a high speed model. What are we looking at for a difference in actual price.
  11. Can you remind me what he differences are again?
  12. I assume the terminals from your trolling motor are also connected to the battery under the wingnut. You mentioned when coming off the lake, my thoughts would be that it was hot from the current draw from your trolling motor. Larger wire might help.
  13. Tough one, they both have a great deal of success as the lead singer for the band, and an awful lot of great songs. I would probably go with Scott, just because I feel they tended to go just a little more main stream with Johnson.
  14. I think the Heaven and Hell album was one of the best to ever wear the name Black Sabbath. Ozzy had many great songs with them, but I can't think of one album with more songs on it that I enjoy than Heaven and Hell. I will go so far as to say that Ozzy was better in the Diary of a Madman and Blizzard of Oz daze. My vote goes to Dio, better voice and stronger vocals.
  15. What you will hear is a lot of is this reel is better than that reel, what you won't hear much of is why. IMO that is because a large number of people that respond to these posts have never had a reel far enough apart to understand the differences between one reel and another and what potentially makes one better than the other. If you truly want to know what may make one better suited to your needs over the other, then ask a trusted reel tech, someone who has had the opportunity to study them in depth.
  16. I have not fished the I series reels, but will say that the CU200E5 is one of my favorite crankbait reels. No hurry to get an I series let people fish them a while and see how the reliability is going to be, you know the CU200 reels are solid.
  17. Do some research and find a bait called the Big Head Wobbler, I have used and had very good luck on a bait very similar. The guy that makes them is a good fisherman and uses the baits to catch a lot of fish.
  18. Do you cast with the same grip you retrieve/fish with? If not slow down and pay attention to how you make the adjustment from casting to retrieving. My Grandfather, Brother, and Son are all left handed, I have watched them cast reels for a lot of years, I fail to see an advantage of one style over the other. The biggest disadvantage I see to retrieving with either hand is the much poorer selection of reels with the handle on the left hand side.
  19. Depending on how late in the year it is either the super or magnum, usually in pearl while of Arkansas shiner.
  20. Have it you do, fail to exist how... Yoda want's to see it also.
  21. The thing about common sense is that it is not very common. I think it would entirely depend on how the message was presented as to how it would be taken.
  22. But it's not a bait caster.
  23. I'm curious OE why do you feel this way.
  24. Maybe this will help, would you think of a drop shot and a Carolina rig in the same light, even if they used the same weight and hook. The split shot is the light finesse version of a Carolina rig (IMO) and I use it as a search bait. The drop shot gets used when I know there are fish in the area and they are being a little more stubborn.
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