Nazi Germany perpetrated one of the worst atrocities ever known to man. The Holocaust takes its name from two Greek words which translate to whole and burnt. The Nazi's under Aldoph Hitler systematically exterminated over 6 million Jews.
Suggesting the use of proper sentence structure, grammar and punctuation, seems to pale in comparison.
A full spool is bigger in diameter, so every rotation of the spool during a cast lets out more line than a spool that is low on line and smaller in diameter.
I shot a little earlier this week and the gun shot great and had no ejection or feeding problems. I just went a tried your suggestion of positively extracting and charging the weapon and it worked perfectly. I had used my G17 for a long time and it took a lot less effort to charge it, I was just being a little too gentle with the .45
Thanks again
Point taken, the wording in my original statement was poor. Dottie was a huge fish, but when she weighted this amount she was not legally hooked, so could not be a record.
I changed my original post to be more specific.
I have a pair of line clippers that I have used for years, if I leave the house to go fishing without them I get the same feeling I get when I can't remember where my wallet is.
It will be interesting to see how it does over time. I have not been completely satisfied with my XDS, either it or I have a problem when manually charging the weapon. If I load a magazine with the chamber closed and manually charge the weapon it sometimes does not feed properly. However if I lock the bolt back and load a magazine and then use the magazine release to charge the weapon it has not failed.
Any ideas.
No this is perfect, and it is this kind of information through knowledge of the product and actual use and testing in the field that enable us to combat the marketing machine of the media. Far too many people repeat what is written on the package of the products we purchase without really ever giving it a second thought.
While using the mathematical method described will get you close but it is less than perfect, I have a calculator built on a spreadsheet that does a much more accurate job and only requires that you input your line diameters and a few other easy pieces of information and it will give you a very accurate answer. If anyone is interested I would be happy to email you a copy, just shoot me a PM with your email address.
Work smarter not harder.
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