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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. Use sharp hooks
  2. Tune in and tune out, tune out the distractions, and tune in to the visual and physical feedback that your rod reel and line are providing you. When you develop this level of concentration it becomes much easier to know what your baits are doing. Good equipment, line and terminal tackle will enhance the experience.
  3. I find the LTB to be the "sweet spot" in the St.Croix line-up. The rod that took me by surprise was the Rage, I have found them for 99 dollars, and they are a very nice rod for that price.
  4. This is a good example, and makes it easy to see that although you have to peddle in a larger circle to achieve the same distance, you now have the advantage of leverage on your side with the longer crank length. Also makes it easy to see that you have done nothing to effect gear ratio.
  5. I understand what he is trying to explain, I have had this conversation with him before. What he is measuring is closer to efficiency. With a short handle your input - the distance your hand must travel to complete one complete rotation is shorter than that of a longer handle, to gain the same output IPT. Or as he describes it the amount of line retrieved as compared to how far the handle travels.
  6. This is not a good example, it would be the equivalent of increasing the spool diameter to gain IPT. It does nothing to show the effect of increasing the length of the handle.
  7. Seems like he said it would change the gear ratio in this, his original post. 1. It produces greater leverage, as was said. In doing this, you reduce the overall gear ratio of the reel, thereby reducing the top speed of the retrieve. Mostly this won't be noticed.
  8. I am wondering the same. In my mind what is being measured is closer to efficiency. The amount of input required with a shorter handle is less than that of a longer handle, with the output staying the same. So while you gain the advantage of leverage with a longer handle, you lose a little efficiency. Seem like a fair trade in my fishing.
  9. Advertised gear ratio in fishing reels is a simple thing. It is the comparison of the number of teeth on the pinion gear in relation to the number of teeth on the main gear Main gear has 64 teeth pinion gear has 10 teeth 64 /10 = 6.4
  10. I.P.T. is not effected by the speed you turn the handle. I.P.T is a measurement of inches of line retrieved per one rotation of the spool. With everything else being equal, it makes not difference if it takes 1 sec or 1 week to complete that rotation, the retrieval rate (I.P.T.) will be exactly the same.
  11. This is a great point, Fluorescence is the ability of an object to reflect light of a longer wavelength. This is a paragraph from the book What Fish See by Dr. Colin Kageyama, O.D F.V.D.. "A fluorescent red object would look red whether it is struck by ultraviolet, blue, green, or red light. A fluorescent colored lure can appear two or three times as bright as the visible light that strikes it because it converts invisible light and reflects it off as visible light. A red non-fluorescence object will only appear red if struck by red light, if it is struck by only U.V.,blue,green it will just appear dark. A non-fluorescent object cannot reflect more than 100% of the visible light that strikes it. Great book, you should give it a look if you have not read it.
  12. I'll bring the beer. Nice fish.
  13. search Storm Sub Wart
  14. I go with the company that took no Government bailout and has had the number 1 selling truck in America for as long as I care to remember. Can we debate Pro Choice, Pro Life next?
  15. LC RC 1.5 is my all time favorite.
  16. The Poes crankbaits that I use are made of cedar wood, so mine do not swell, split, or crack. Some of the early Poes had problems with paint chipping on them, but I never found it to be a major issue. A thin coat of epoxy seems like it would work well.
  17. Sorry, I figured when you said you felt the 3 power was more versatile that you also used a 4 power for something else.
  18. Which 4 power rod do you own and what do you use it for?
  19. I own the 703C and 734C, I would use the 734C for this.
  20. David was well known and respected in this area for his rod building and reel repair skills, he has helped many local anglers over the years and will be missed. R.I.P. David
  21. I have fished the Revo series reels since they were first released, I currently own reels from every series. My favorite are the Gen 2 Premier. I own the MGX and Winch from the 3rd Generation series, I have had no problems with these reels and have not experienced any degradation in quality. Can someone please elaborate on what they see as a degradation of quality in the 3rd generation reels. I am not as fond of the form factor but the reels perform very well in my hands.
  22. Sounds like you have a system that works for you and that is all that is important.
  23. I hold the tip high and use the reel to ski the fish across the water when in heavy cover, but I use the rod to initially bring the fish up out of the cover. Lots of ways to skin a cat.
  24. So your saying you move the fish with your reel? Anyone else using this method of moving fish out of cover? Seems odd to me, what is the purpose of a XH rod in a longer length if you are moving the fish with the reel?
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