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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. 61 to 63.5 is what we kept reading, we fished mainly on the East end of the lake.
  2. desensitization and over sensualization
  3. I think there is a correlation with the end of cursive writing ...
  4. Must have been someone else, I left Wichita at 4:30am yesterday for Melvern, and did not get back until around 9:00pm.
  5. I'm all over the board with spinner baits, but I primarily throw 1/2 chatter baits with a 3/8 mixed in occassionaly
  6. We managed over 100 fish today, many of them small fish but we did manage to catch a couple of nice fish. T to B 2.5, 3.2 2.9 and 3.5. We had a blast and caught fish all day long.
  7. Bet you can't. What about how to count change, States, Capitals, Continents. Where in your opinion is the line?
  8. Do they still teach kids in school to tell time with analog clocks? -.-. --- -- -- ..- -. .. -.-. .- - .. --- -. .. -. .- -. -.-- ..-. --- .-. -- .- - .. ... ...- .- .-.. ..- .- -... .-.. .
  9. Will be there tomorrow in the morning, will be launching from the Corps ramp near the Marina. Plan on fishing all day, will be in a tan Lund, give a holler if your out tomorrow.
  10. I can't remember for sure but I do remember catching a lot of smaller fish on a Zebco 202 combo and a beetle spin.
  11. I am on a lot of medication right now, maybe that is why I could read it.
  12. Are we saying that it is lazy to write in cursive, or that her handwriting being terrible is the result of her laziness?
  13. Would printing it ensure that it could be read, I have seen some people who can't print any better than they write.
  14. Are you serious, lazy? What it says is, " also allows economists to compare two or more years because prices are the same (inflation has been removed) see what industry is growing /decreasing, shows true growth". While her handwriting is not the best, I can't understand how you feel writing in cursive is lazy.
  15. Great tip, I am going to have to try this. Thanks.
  16. Just a thought, but there is a chance that it may have the incorrect springs in it. I think I would order a set of springs and see if they fix the problem before I made any permanent changes to the reel.
  17. It is a requirement in KS when spoonbill fishing to use barbless hooks. The only real difference that I have noticed is that it becomes even more important to keep pressure on the fish, something that good fisherman are already very skilled at.
  18. H1N1 and AIDS are both pandemic diseases that are more recent than 100 years.
  19. IMO the the DSG's in this area are little more than overpriced clothing stores. If you are looking for a 60-75 dollar sweat shirt then they are a good choice, if you are looking for a fishing rod or reel, then you are all but out of luck. I use Cabela's, Gander Mountain, and Academy Sports before DSG's every time. I hope the store that you are going to be working at supports the fishing community better than the stores in our area.
  20. This is it in a nutshell, a 20% increase in knob travel would have to be measured in fractions of a second, with no real world disadvantage. A 20% reduction in torque, is something that is very noticeable and it one of the reasons that extended length handles become appealing.
  21. Thanks, in use I find the Rage just a tad more sensitive, I think it has to do with the lighter guides, they also seem to help with the tip heaviness that some of the Avid rods have. I don't think they are at the same level of build quality, but truthfully I have not had any problems with the couple I own. They seem overpriced at 150 - 175, but when you can get them for around 99 they become a good deal.
  22. So is it just your opinion that they are not the same blank, or do you actually have something to substantiate your comment?
  23. There is a simple formula you can use to figure how much using an extended length handle reduces the amount of torque required to achieve the same result. Using an 80mm handle as a standard we can use arbitrary numbers and say that if it takes 1 ft lb of torque to move the spool with this length handle it would then only require 0.8 ft lbs of torque with a 100mm handle. Or said another way, it would take about 20% less torque to move the spool with the extended handle.
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