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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. With some recent posts creating some interest in me, I picked up an older Ambassaduer 5000 and ordered some parts to bring it into the new era.
  2. KVD Bass Strategies, it is a good read.
  3. The speaker in sometimes connected to the TM, when you remove the TM from the water with the HW on it sounds like a series of clicking. Sorry best way I can describe it.
  4. My experience with the HW has been mixed. I have seen times when we have pulled into a cove with no bait movement at all and within a few minutes the shad will be busting the top all around the boat. Did the HW effect the bait fish, did it get the bass to move and cause the bait fish to bust, I am not sure. One thing I am sure of is that it does have an effect on fish. I had the opportunity a few years back to talk with Mike McClelland for a while about the HW. He told me he credited his Elite series win at that time in part to the HW. He was convinced that it made a difference. Some guys think they are a gimmick and others think that they are another productive tool that helps catch fish, next time your at an Elite event, see how many boats you can count without one.
  5. bending the upper 1/4 of a chatterbait blade back toward the hook will give the bait a lot more vibration at slower speeds.
  6. I'm in the Tatsu fan club
  7. I believe that it is a fairly common practice, but I like to add split rings to the hooks of my jerkbaits to get the stance and suspension like I want it for a given water temp.
  8. Noticed on the RES that the chrome colored baits seem to scratch and chip a lot more easily. I fish the Blue Bandit and Old Glory, and while they have hook scratches, no problems otherwise.
  9. SPRO McStick is a good one
  10. Leaving a certain amount of slack in your line while working walking baits is important. When I started using these baits more heavily I decided I wanted a rod and reel dedicated to the job. I researched and sought the advice of fellow anglers through the use of multiple forums. The majority of information about reels I received was that a high speed /high IPT reel was the tool for the job. I purchased a 7.1:1 reel and was exicited to start using it. I was never comfortable with this reel and application, my cadence and the speed that I needed to crank the reel to manage the slack line properly were just not in synch. I switched to a 6.4:1 reel with a little lower IPT and I was very comfortable using it. My point is that there is a lot of good starting points for what reel, rod, lure, line, color and everything else fishing that should work. Until you put it in your hands and fish it, you will find that it is exactly that, a starting point. Good luck
  11. While I can't say I enjoyed his presentation skills, I did think that the message was good.
  12. I don't know if they had a bad run of baits or what the situation was, but these never acted like they were even trying to float, put them in water straight to the bottom where they stayed. I have seen where the Roboworms will sink because of their salt layer and then start to float once some of the salt dissolves, but these were not having none of it.
  13. Fished Melvern yesterday, it was windy at times and made fishing the lighter finesse type presentations more difficult. We managed to catch a lot of fish, mostly smaller smallmouth with several at 15+ but nothing 18 or over. We did catch a bunch of big white bass on jerkbaits , some that were just a little short of 16 inches, they were a blast to catch and would almost rip the rod from your hands when they hit. All in all it was a great day on the water.
  14. Hey Troy, glad you made it.
  15. You made a good point though. Much of reading cursive writing is done contextually, as we all write in our own style.
  16. The v is poorly formed but the rest of it is there. I will bet you the 50 if you ask whoever wrote it they will tell you that the word is providing.
  17. IMO 1. Color Matters 2. Beware of people telling you what colors work best, without taking the time to at least ask you a few questions about the body of water you are fishing.
  18. This one was not even that hard
  19. Dear Clayton, Thanks for all the help you are providing at UPC. Next January you will be a one year veteran and hopefully we'll keep you with us for years to come. Happy Birthday
  20. When you are bored and have some extra time for internet browsing, do a little research on Tom Monsoor and Dan Brovarny or Brovarny Baits. It will give you some history behind the swimjig and what makes them unique.
  21. If you are looking for a rod that can do a lot of things including crankbaits, I believe your best buy may be the MH / MF, it will still be slow enough that it will be capable of treble hook baits, but not so slow that it would not be usable for other techniques as well.
  22. I would use a graphite rod around 7 foot , MH /MF the MF action will help with pulling lipless baits through the grass and when using a squarebill. I agree with many here the St Croix Premier crankbait rods are a good choice in your price range.
  23. There was an article a ways back, that suggested that colored FC line was often as much as 10% weaker than that of the same line in clear.
  24. There was a nice L/H Fuego with some custom mods and supertuning done to it in the sale forum.
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