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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. I was kind of hoping someone could either add to or debunk the information in the original post. I feel like these LH vs RH threads never really add much productive information.
  2. You may want to go back and read the opening post. The direction it is heading is the standard LH -vs- RH threads, but that was not the way it was started.
  3. Hopefully you will get the chance after the Holidays.
  4. Your reading it right, the article did not give a date as when they reversed the gearing, it just said that soon after the reels were changed and LH reels started to become more popular. This was written before 1900.
  5. I got caught without my hunting license once. It was a complete accident, I have hunted and fished in KS for more years than I care to reveal, our State License expires in Dec. Just so happens that our goose season carries over into Jan. I was at the truck loading my guns finished up for the day when the Game Warden asked if he could check my gun and asked my for my license, I told him sure thing, handed over the gun and reached into my wallet to fish out my license. Just about then it hit me, and I think he knew it by the look on my face. I showed him about 3 years of hunting/fishing licenses and explained what had happened. He cut me some slack and told that it happens quite often, he also told that technically he did not see me hunting but only loading my guns, and told me to be sure and get the license before the next trip. He was extremely courteous and I believe he may have cut me a little slack anyway. I have never repeated this mistake.
  6. I find it interesting that they so much preferred to use their right hands to crank the reel that they transferred hands after the cast, turned the reel upside down from design, and cranked it in reverse.
  7. Nice fish congrats on your P.B.
  8. I came across an article that had an interesting quote from a book that from what I can tell was written in 1881. What say you? "Most fishing reels are suspended from the bottom of the rod, since this position requires no wrist strength to overcome gravity while enabling the angler to cast and retrieve without changing hands. The baitcasting reel's unusual mounting position atop the rod is an accident of history. Baitcasting reels were originally designed to be cast when positioned atop the rod, then rotated upside-down in order to operate the crank handle while playing a fish or retrieving line. However, in practice most anglers preferred to keep the reel atop the rod for both cast and retrieve by simply transferring the rod to the left hand for the retrieve, then reverse-winding the crank handle. Because of this preference, mounting the crank handle on the right side of a bait casting reel (with standard clockwise crank handle rotation) has become customary, though models with left-hand retrieve have gained in popularity in recent years thanks to user familiarity with the spinning reel"
  9. Sorry man, back to the highly controversial topic of jig and trailer matching - Yes or No.
  10. Is this the part of the article that you are in reference to? "It is unknown how many cone types bass have, but similar freshwater fish are known to have two cone types. This fact, coupled by some recent studies on bass, suggest that bass identify all of the colors we do, with the possible exception of blues and violets. This research also indicates that bass seem to see shades of green, yellow, and orange exceptionally well." I think you meant to say that color is the reflection of light, I believe refraction is a little different.
  11. They have a facebook page that also has a little information as well, if you do that sort of thing...
  12. Amazing catch!
  13. I had never seen one until dead end canal posted a picture of one in post #19. Interesting bait, the company is out of Eufaula, OK, there are a few boys over there in that area that sure know how to use a jig.
  14. I would like for you both to take a look at this link, and see what you think about the method used to test the lines and the results. http://home.comcast.net/~estero69/site/?/page/_Page_01__/&PHPSESSID=f9a6cf043fa0e7f83edba4e2520e475a
  15. Good thread, RoLo is very knowledgeable. I did not see any mention of bass being color blind however. Can you point to a post or something that led you to that belief.
  16. Thanks
  17. I am interested in why you believe bass are partially colorblind.
  18. and.....
  19. A and M Halo jig.
  20. It looks like there may actually be two places to tie to.
  21. I admit the picture posted does look that way, I researched a few others that did not. Look at the location of the line tie, seems like it would be in the wrong location to make it a billed bait.
  22. I don't think it is a bill, it is a ring I believe.
  23. I use the NRX 853, I find it amazing.
  24. If using a leader for abrasion resistance only it makes sense to use a very hard line. Harder the FC line, it is generally accepted that the higher the abrasion resistance will be, the trade off will be in line manageability. Some FC lines that are very hard in comparison with others are Toray Superhard, BPS XPS FC, P-line Halo. All of these line will offer good abrasion resistance. The length of the leader depends on if you want the knot to remain outside the guides or not. Some people find it bothersome to cast a joined line through the eyes of the rod. If this is you then you will be limited in the length of leader you can use. If this is not a problem then many people will use the length of the rod as a good starting point. I have played with several knots the ones that I find the most usable are variations of the Alberto knot. The knot is very strong and is also a very slim, small knot that will pass through most guides quite easily. My FC knot varies a little on the lure that I am using, but for the most part I use the SDJ now days. On my spinning reels I use 20lb braid with either a 6 or 8lb test leader, this requires a good drag system, and using the proper technique to fight fish. I would see no problem using a much stronger leader if desired.
  25. As I have no idea what to search for, if you have some time later to post a link that would be very cool.
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