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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. someone got it right
  2. I have tried them on the smoker but they tend to get a little dry. A friend smokes them in a pan and uses ginger ale in the bottom of the pan to keep some moisture in the smoker. Another friend of mine swears that if you soak them in buttermilk it will remove a lot of the gamey flavor they have. You will have to let us know how you like it.
  3. This company is famous for their craw bait.
  4. This is only my opinion, but he gave it away for a reason. Wild duck and geese taste like liver to me. The only way I ever enjoyed it was to cut in chunks, put in the crock pot with about 1 1/2 cups of BBQ sauce, 1/4 cup honey, and a few tablespoons of sweet chili sauce. Let it cook until it is as tender as you like.
  5. I believe that is the correct nomenclature for the part.
  6. Gander Mountain had them in a closeout bin a few years back by the hundreds. I think they were 3 dollars each. I have a few, so post up if you get 20 dollars each for them, as I would make someone a good deal and sell mine for much less.
  7. Good guesses but not correct.
  8. I always find it fun and interesting when someone posts a picture of a bait that may not be common or has just been overlooked for a while. So today I was in our local tackle shop and the owner was digging through some olds plastics. He holds this one up and asks me if I know what it is. He goes on to tell me that it was the bait that started it all for someone who has enjoyed success in the business. I thought I would share it with you and see if anyone here knows what it is.
  9. I use my local tackle shop for everything that I can, even if it means paying just a little more. Jim Zeiner and his family have been in the tackle business for around 60 years, they are the only privately owned tackle shop that I know of in the Wichita KS area. They carry things that you can not purchase at the Big Box stores. Jim carries every Do-It mold made and lots of component items to make your own tackle. What I can't get through Jim, I use TW for.
  10. Very good point. What can happen is that the ARB stops the innertube from moving immediately but the crankshaft has the ability to move in reverse because of the slight variance in size and the leverage that the handle provides. I think it would be considered as normal if this were what was causing his problem.
  11. Place the inner tube of the ARB on the crankshaft and check it for any play. If it has any play at all it will allow the spool to move in reverse slightly.
  12. Master Angler certificates are awarded when fish of a certain length are caught. Length determines if a fish is a legal catch and if it can be kept for consumption or used in a weigh in.
  13. I always hear the topic of balance brought up when this question is asked. I tend to think that any perceived balance that may have existed in the spool before spooling line on it is long gone after the fact. If this in fact is the balance we are talking about.
  14. Fortunate for me, I am from a long lost tribe of Americans that existed before the advent of texting. I may still be able to comprehend.
  15. It's fine to use only 1, the only negative I can even think of is that the tab will wear a little faster than the others, so maybe you should change it up once in while.
  16. Can't wait to get my free CD, EZ guide and UFO glow kit.
  17. That's a big endorsement from a guy coming from the land of Brovarny and Monsoor.
  18. I prefer to celebrate Christmas like the Thanksgiving holiday...
  19. Is this what they mean by the phrase, "winner winner chicken dinner" ?
  20. Good things happen to good people, very happy for your family and yourself.....
  21. Growth in our sport/hobby is a good thing, I think making a living in this industry would be tough, and only the very optimistic would be cut out for it. Thanks
  22. I was looking at the C21 today thinking to myself for the money if it was just even a little better than average it would still be a deal. Guess I am going to have to try a spool or two. I have not seen or heard much about the Mustad Thor, is it something you can get local?
  23. Thank you, the reference to the book was exactly what I was looking for. I was able to get the ISBN for the book, found it for about 30 dollars. I know what I want in my Christmas stocking now..... Thanks again
  24. Interesting, anything you see behind your thoughts on increased sales?
  25. You finding any advantage/disadvantage as far as abrasion and depth of the bait? If you don't mind me asking which Copoly are you using?
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