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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. Just a quick look at these two anglers recent history will show you that neither of them have made any money for at least the last couple of years from fishing open events at least I did not see it. This seems to make your point of a "large part of their income" kind of moot.
  2. Cool, so b.a.s.s. has established the precedence that if you become angry at a fellow competitor and have no prior offenses, you can jump from your boat into his and shove him in the water for only the price of 500 dollars, or if that price seems too steep, you can recklessly crash your boat into his for the lesser price of 250 dollars.. I almost forgot, no AAA ball for the rest of the year. I hope their hands can still be used for fishing after this severe slapping by b.a.s.s.
  3. The blank in the Rage is superior to the Premier and Mojo. If the rod is going to be primarily used for moving baits any of them would be fine, just choose the one that feels the best to you. If the rod was going to be used for contact baits, I would go with the Rage, it transmits vibration better than the others.
  4. Danny Carey Neil Pert Alex Van Halen A conversation about drummers would be incomplete without John Bonham being mentioned.
  5. I gave some bad information here and want to correct it so no one is mislead. I needed to tie new leader material to several of my spinning setups so I done just that after I finished this post. I found that the 25 series Pflueger reels actually balance well on the Rage rods, and I also have one on a G-Loomis rod that works well . I checked the LTB rods that I mentioned above and I have 30 series Pflueger reels on those rods and they still balance about an inch to inch and a half in front of the reel. They both feel more tip heavy than the two previously mentioned rods due to the balance point difference.
  6. Hard to beat the LC RC 1.5 series.
  7. I use the LTB for my light plastics , I enjoy them and find the sensitivity of them superior to the Avid of which I own also. I two LTB spinning rods I use the most are the 6'10" MLXF and the 6'10 MXF, I use a Pflueger Supreme MGX in the 25 size and both rods balance just in front of the reel. The way I grip the rod makes it very nice for balance. I say use what works best for you.
  8. What it the difference in balance points on the rods when there is a reel installed?
  9. Two very different rods in terms of they way they are constructed and the materials used. In the end all that is important is that you get the one that feels the best in your hands.
  10. Is it a coincidence that all Shimano reels have backplay in the handle?
  11. I can't go into much detail because the discussion of religion and politics is not allowed on this site. You can quickly find information in regards to the "Hooked X" and what it may imply, by just doing a quick internet search. I think I will be ok with saying that it involves the "Holy Grail" and maybe not in the terms your familiar with.
  12. Try adjusting the brakes on the reel as the manufacturer recommends. Set the Magnetic brakes to 0. Tie the lure you intend to use to the line. Depress the thumbar and set the mechanical brake so that the lure slowly descends about 10 inches when the rod tip is gently flexed. It the lure does not move the brake is too tight, if it hits the floor, it is too loose. Set the magnetic braking to a med high setting and begin casting making adjustments to the magnetic braking to increase distance and control backlash. In other words, use a little more spool tension with the reel, it does not have much braking at the beginning of the cast and they can be more prone to over runs at this part of the cast.
  13. From what I can tell of the math behind Lentz's Law it looks like the EMF produced is proportional and inverse of the speed of the inductor, meaning that the braking would be very linear throughout the cast. The difference that comes to mind is that centrifugal brakes make physical contact with a braking surface and probably have a more profound effect than the magnetic brakes at the same time. When the spool speed slows and the centrifugal brakes are less effective then the effects of the magnetic brakes are more dominant. These are just my thoughts
  14. Trout fishing is good at the Zoo park.
  15. You never want to stir up a guy with a name like Angry John. I assure you that was not my intent.
  16. Mono or monofilament line is the more common name given to Nylon fishing line. What it actually is, is a single stranded polymer. Co-polymer fishing lines are lines that blend multiple polymers together to combine the best properties, they are technically still Monofilament line.
  17. What are you getting at John?
  18. P-line CX premium is a FC coated Co-poly.
  19. Sorry, misunderstood your post. Yes I agree, and I think the resistance to validate the KRS as authentic lies with the fact that all of the history that has been and is still being taught would have to be corrected. Similar to the World is flat, oops it's round kind of thing. The hooked X used in the writing on the KRS is another interesting topic. It has the possibility of creating quite a stir in the religious community.
  20. Tell us about the setup you are using to fish them with. Rod, reel and line are important factors that may be causing your problem and not the bait itself.
  21. They are certainly noticeably louder in Magnesium framed reels.
  22. Many of the Falcon rods are built in America
  23. I think there may be some confusion, I believe Scott Wolters is a very strong proponent of pre Columbian contact in North America.
  24. From all reports the top Mono line at the moment looks to be Sunline Defier Armillo, but be prepared for sticker shock.
  25. Thanks for sharing that
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