Catt, we may be crossing two different lines of thought. The original post,
Texas Hawg Hunter, on 03 Dec 2014 - 6:41 PM, said:
In my thoughts he was suggesting that it is a simple as putting a lure in front of bass and observing its response, my questions about light and water color had more to do with how the lure will present itself in the water. This is a function of light and the filtering effects of different water colors, so the same lure may look very different depending on conditions.
In the research they were only trying to determine if a bass can see color and to what degree. The test was not to prove that a bass can discern the color green in every environmental condition, heck we can't even do that and I like to think our brains are a least a little more evolved than a fish.
I don't know how good of a job I have done at explaining what I feel the difference is, but hopefully you can see where I make the destinction at least.