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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. What ain't so ?
  2. Interesting idea, but can't say I enjoyed it.
  3. I have not tried the Killfish, I will have to try and locate a few to try. I also have to fish the Snap Beans on spinning gear the smallest weights 1/32oz.
  4. It's a discussion like any other, different points of view, passionate on both sides.
  5. We do have an Academy Sports in Wichita
  6. Your right, I mean why even waste out time on things like sending unmanned space craft to the surface of Mars to wirelessly transmit data and picture back that we can interpret. Bet that might have sounded like quite a stretch to your Grandparents. Why study the eyes of fish and try to determine what they can see, I mean what are the chances that someone discovers a chemical in a fish eye that is a cure for glaucoma or another vision disease, develops a new lens that helps us have better vision underwater, I mean what could possibly be learned. If we used your logic people like DE Vinci, Einstein, Newton, and the Wright Brothers would have settled for status quo. Is it really that big of a stretch to think that we have or may develop the ability to determine how bass see?
  7. So what about the water color?
  8. See this is funny, because somehow a few others and yourself have made this discussion about what colors of lures are going to catch more fish. When the conversation is about how fish see color. I can understand your haste, wanting to pick your wife's brain and all. People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer. Andrew Smith
  9. Impossible to tell, this is what you believe?
  10. 1% is a 100% more than 0
  11. What Fish See: Understanding optics and color shifts for designing lures and flies. Colin J. Kageyama, O.D. F.C.O.V.D.
  12. Cant remember who sent me this picture, but this thing is a fat beast,
  13. Nothing better than the real thing
  14. Thanks for taking the time to find and post.
  15. That thing is a beast, how would you like to have a pond full of its offspring.
  16. Making yourself feel good about the deal is what is important, it would seem by your details that they were happy.
  17. I believe the new world record Red Ear was caught earlier this year and it was over 5 lbs. Maybe someone can confirm.
  18. Paul, thank you for your post. I have read an article that is much the same as what you stated in your first paragraph. The article if I recall correctly was about trout or salmon, and it went on to make the point that they were born with more green receptive cones in their eyes as juveniles to help them locate plankton on which they would primarily feed. Later their eyes would develop to have more red receptive cones to help them isolate prey in cover as you also suggested. I believe all of this only helps to prove that bass and other fish have highly evolved color vision. If they see green as we see green and red as we see red, is a much more difficult thing to prove but based on the articles I have read about the chemicals found in the nerve cells of their eyes, it would seem that many scientists would make that argument. Please don't stay out of this conversation, it is important to have your input.
  19. Catt, we may be crossing two different lines of thought. The original post, Texas Hawg Hunter, on 03 Dec 2014 - 6:41 PM, said: In my thoughts he was suggesting that it is a simple as putting a lure in front of bass and observing its response, my questions about light and water color had more to do with how the lure will present itself in the water. This is a function of light and the filtering effects of different water colors, so the same lure may look very different depending on conditions. In the research they were only trying to determine if a bass can see color and to what degree. The test was not to prove that a bass can discern the color green in every environmental condition, heck we can't even do that and I like to think our brains are a least a little more evolved than a fish. I don't know how good of a job I have done at explaining what I feel the difference is, but hopefully you can see where I make the destinction at least.
  20. Thanks for sharing, I was not aware of that, my intention was to only stimulate a discussion based on the difference in what we see and process and the possible difference in bass.
  21. you might try putting a very small drop of oil directly on the brake tab itself, try working it in with your finger.
  22. Try a black and blue jig with a big trailer in a dark color. Drag it slowly around on the bottom, maybe you will get the attention of a good one.
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