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Everything posted by aavery2

  1. Reel is over greased, but I am having a problem making the connection from your pictures as to why the spool would not turn when disengaged.
  2. Depends if you throw them on the BEST, or MOST SENSITIVE 100 dollar rod.
  3. I wonder when the Elite Pro's will catch on to the benefits of braid and cranks, seems like one of them should have known by now......................
  4. Maybe an exchange for an equal value reel more suitable to all around bass fishing is a possibility. Just getting back into bass fishing there may be other reels that are more suitable and allow you to use the reel for more techniques. Just an option.
  5. I don't use it on AR bearings but a lubricant you may want to look into is TSI 301 and 321, works very well in reels that are exposed to harsher conditions as well as most others. I am glad we can agree to disagree, look forward to your participation in other threads.
  6. And equally you being new around here you don't know me or my experience. I have been cleaning and repairing reels for quite some time myself. My practices and opinions differ from yours, this does not make either of us right. The man asked a question and I provided an answer to how I would proceed. You did the same, and I am sure that at least a couple of others will offer there opinions once they see this thread. I do fail to understand why you would not bother to clean a bearing when you have the reel completely disassembled. There are much better lubricants available than the factory uses. Your example of corrosion X may apply.
  7. So your bearings spin freely when they are packed with grease? Also I don't like to mix oils and grease of different types, this can lead to some real problems. If your process works for you I would not change a thing. I believe when people pay money for a professional reel cleaning, that they should have the reasonable expectation that everything will be cleaned and lubricated with clean oils and grease. How do you treat the AR bearing?
  8. It is kind of a double edged sword, the same people that doing all the advertising that we don't enjoy are the same ones that make professional fishing possible.
  9. How do you properly inspect the bearing if you don't bother to remove the grease?
  10. I would clean the bearings using the same process you used for the spool bearings. The driveshaft, I would coat with a fingerprint thin layer of grease.
  11. If it were my reel I would certainly remove the drive shaft as there is most likely a bearing under it, and also the clutch assembly to remove the frame mounted bearing. I don't think that the Simple Green would hurt either of the bearings, but you can do a much better job of cleaning and applying the correct lubrication once they are removed. Your picture also looks like you have not removed the bearing in the palm side plate as well.
  12. One bait that I would always want to have in my box that many of the bigger companies do not have a good copy of is the Wiggle Wart. There are others but when I play this out in my head I keep getting stuck on the Wart.
  13. It does get technical quick, but the basic theory is enough to get an understanding. It would be great if we had someone here that could really elaborate on this for us. Glad you enjoyed it.
  14. It is an interesting study, but it quickly becomes too technical for my understanding. I am glad that you found it worth while.
  15. I won't argue that, but I do feel that they are more linear and adjustable in much finer increments.
  16. Interesting is right, I am still trying to fully grasp the concept. Maybe there is someone who can break it all down in layman terms. Where you at Ghoti????
  17. Your very close, do a quick search on Lentz's law and it might answer some questions for you.
  18. Do a quick search on Lenz's law, it will give a better explanation than I am capable of. What we need to understand is that magnetic braking is proportional to spool speed and is not a constant.
  19. What about magnetic reels that do not use an inductor? The inductor is also made of non-ferrous metal.
  20. Sorry but that is not correct.
  21. The spool is made of aluminum, and there are no other ferrous metal parts on the spool besides the bearing and spool shaft. Where does it apply the constant force.
  22. Why do you believe mag brakes are a constant setting?
  23. This just in, Generalissimo Fransico Franco is still dead.
  24. This should never be uttered from the lips of a man.
  25. I'll keep my post simple, No, I do not think so.
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