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zip pow

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Everything posted by zip pow

  1. Hydrilla and milfoil and dollar pads and lily pads.lily pads in back of north sauty creek hydrilla and milfoil mixed threw out the lake in ten foot of water or less dollar pads in midlake areas. On some channel ledges five foot of water or less. Water is usually clear two foot visibility or more on the main lake all spring in the back of the creeks it depends on the rain most of the time a foot or more. Lots of stumps its a sure bet you find some health grass next to a stump hang on there a good chance you'll get you arm broke in the spring.
  2. We have grass three inchs tall in feb. by april you'll have fish in all stages pre spawn. Spawning and post spawn it'll be how ever you want to catch them some grass will be close to topping out by then I'll be throwing Lipless, square bill three foot or less and big white spinnerbaits and I have also fished this lake for ten years three days a week or more over that time and only caught one smallie so less you going to fish forty foot deep by the dam on rocks don't look for them
  3. I used them this summer in the 14-18 foot model my dad and I were out he was fishing a regular bomber I wad using the suspending when I stopped my retrieve I'd get bit he wasn't. I got him one he started catching fish it helps sometimes
  4. Have tried just using a paddle tail fluke lots of color options there I use them on scrounger jig heads just like I do skinny dippers
  5. I can't wait for it i'll be glad to meet everyone in person sounds like we'll have a real good time. Just glad I could help .
  6. I just use a small butane torch wave and dip if you find out how to keep it out of the hook eye let me know been dipping jigs for bout 6 years and haven't. Found a good way to keep it out consistently
  7. Dang straight a-rig is where its at when there chasing bait
  8. I've got ten gallons of homemade strawberry wine and two gallons of white whiskey i'll donate to the BR bunch that'll help with the expenses
  9. The State park is about ten minutes away from Val Monte and by then they'll be open for camper here's there number 256-571-5455 if you can't get them pm me i'll help anyway I can
  10. I'm glad there are some fishermen that are still like you are as far as I'm concerned you can fish out of the back of my boat any time
  11. Hooked myself in the top of my ear flyfishing sure am glad it was barbless it hurt bad enuff as it was
  12. It may have been just s tv statement but I took it to heart i'll get read this article an see how he's a revised his opinion .thanks for article info. By the way i'm a bird hunter to I hunt brittany's bout time to let them run
  13. Yes I do 2007 basspro rick clunns art of angling I'll find which episode its in and try to post the video if there's any way to.
  14. Thanks for info I'm going to order this set up also going to order a 7' 2" steez for my traps it's the only way to compare so i'll just get the both. Ha ha
  15. I don't know how long you been fishing or maybe your an awesome fisherman but about 90% of fishing I e casting is eliminating water so to say you expect to get a bite on every cast must lead to some disappointment on the water. I dont know but Bassmaster Rick clunn said " I try for five bites a day an I want to put those in the livewell " So no my goals aren't low there a little more than twice Rick Clunn's
  16. I only try for a dozen bites a day an I like to get them all to the boat but the thing is it don't always work I generally get two to one to the boat if your having a hard time getting hookups try a change in color or weight I had it happen to me this summer changed to a heavier hook and brought the next ten to the boat maybe this will help
  17. Thats what I hope I need something that fits my hand an feels like a ride in a big caddy when I use it
  18. Ive used all glass david fritts rods before but they don't work well in the grass I thought I mite try a medium action graphite rod but a little scared of it being to soft but I don't want to be to stiff either what ever just right is what I want i'll try some of your suggestions thanks for the input
  19. Truth be told rods were probably a little over due for replacement but now I have no choice they were great now there gone
  20. Big gville bass in 8 foot water on 1oz one knockers awesome weekend even with broke rods still put 26 pounds in the boat its also amazing how fast a broke rod will shear 20lb floracarbon.
  21. Looking to purchase some new rattle trap rods I broke three rods this weekend and they don't make the rods I had any more any suggestion I had team diawa samurai. Rod they were great but now there gone
  22. Ive got two kvd cranking rods one seven and one seven and a half love them great feel with just the right amount of lag when you fighting fish well worth the money
  23. Dlb fluke rigs and 4 1/2 inch casting spoon
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