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Everything posted by Doc-Drew

  1. Well Chris came over to help with the boat last night. It was the steering cable so thank you for pointing us in the right direction Ranger. Once we got the steering cable out, we cleaned the tube, installed a Cable Buddy and put the tube back in. Now the motor turns with ease. That sure sounds a lot easier than it really was... I think Chris can attest to that. Now I just have to get out and use it to make sure . I plan on heading out fishing Friday afternoon to fish. I was thinking about heading back to Leavenworth but Brian is being a good salesman for Lonestar. Thanks again for your help last night Chris!
  2. I was wondering I was wondering about that. I may try to disassemble it this week and clean/re-grease it and see if that helps. Thanks for your help and recommendations everyone
  3. Maybe I should have been more specific. I'm not sure if it's actually the motor but the steering is extremely difficult. The motor runs fine but steering not so much. Just need it to last me a few more years so I can get something nicer.
  4. Ondrejka, don't feel bad. I too had outboard troubles. Speaking of that, does anyone know there way around a 1988 Force 50 hp?
  5. Went back to Leavenworth with my wife on Sunday to enjoy the day and hopefully continue where Blue and I left off. The fishing wasn't nearly as good as Friday afternoon but the weather was much better...funny how that works isn't it? I did manage to catch a 19.5" 3.52lb largemouth on a jig but the rest of the fish were dinks.
  6. What hotel is that? I have a feeling if I am able to make it, my wife will want to stay in a hotel rather than camp.
  7. I'm okay what... if I can make it. Is there camping there?
  8. I'm out. I will try to make one of the Saturday tourneys one of these days.
  9. I grew up fishing for smallmouth in South Dakota. One thing I learned is that smallmouth can very a ton in color and markings. Some that we would catch would have little to no markings and a yellow hue to them while 5 minutes later we would catch one in the same spot that was tiger striped and dark brown to almost black.
  10. Don't forget about Mondo Tackle!
  11. The wife and I got out to Lonestar as well Sunday morning. A little tough to get her to get up very early so we go there probably about the time you left. I can't remember how many we caught but it was probably around 25. She caught all hers on the Ned. Nothing bigger than about 2.5lbs but it was still great to get out. This weekend I am heading north to South Dakota to visit family. Hopefully we will get some fishing in.
  12. I may get out Saturday morning for the first time since May. I have been thinking about Clinton. I would love to tag into some nice wipers or smallies. Any suggestions on where to start?
  13. Looks like the same fish my wife caught out of there a few years ago. Her's was just under 5# but unfortunately I don't have a picture. My wife is only 4'11 so when she holds up a 5# fish, it looks enormous...Just like yours
  14. I made this recipe this spring and my wife (not real keen on fish) and I really liked it. She hates picking fish off the skin so I just filleted them like you would a panfish. We also left out the Lemon Butter Sauce to keep it lighter. http://www.recipesecrets.net/forums/recipe-exchange/25703-bonefish-grill-pistachio-parmesan-crusted-trout.html
  15. I won't be able to make the meeting at Johnny's. Thursdays are my late nights. Let me know what you guys decide though. One thing to consider for the "weigh-ins," is the outing going to be a two day combined, two individual days or best 5 from either day? Just trying to see if it's possible for the one-dayers to compete.
  16. I lived in South Dakota all my childhood. Regualarly fished Kampeska and Pickerel most of the time until my parents bought a place on Pickerel. Then for years it was only Pickerel. If you are looking for numbers, Pickerel is hard to beat. I can show you on a map spots as well as lures. If you are looking for size, jwharding is right on with Roy and Clear. Another lake, Horseshoe can be really good for smallmouth as well. About 10 years ago, my father and I went on a fishing trip to Lake Louise for some Largemouth. Everyone he talked to said to catch bass there we would have to go in the spring before the weeds hit. Well, August is close to spring right? Hah. Turned out to be the best fishing of my life. All the fish caught on top of the weeds using frogs. We averaged 4lbs (except for small bass that would hit our lures when fly fishing for bluegill) for 4 days including a 7lber that my father caught. I have only been there a few times since and it was never as good. I see that your fav. lake is Pickerel. Chances are, that you have run into my father or me. If you want any help with that lake or other lakes around there, feel free to PM me.
  17. I'd be up for this. How is camping down there? I have been wanting to go there ever since I moved to KC but have never gotten aroud to it. Chris you mentioned you are taking a bass boat down there. Do most of the pits not have a good ramp? Another thing, since there are a billion pits down there, would we be limited to a certain area or would all be fair game?
  18. Lol! We could always do a one day on a close lake and for those that want to do a two day have it another day another lake. If we are only doing one get together, I vote for either something close or a one day since I'm in the same boat as pbrussell and superfluke
  19. Looking at what is being said, I think it is safe to assume that this will be another multi-day outing?
  20. I had that happen at Coffey this late winter. Fishing the hot water, a fish annihilated a spinnerbait. After 15 minutes of a fight and a very boring two minute long video of that fight, the fish started coming up. It came up to the surface and rolled... Huge blue cat! It made one roll and the spinnerbait just fell out of its mouth. I was happy and sad I didn't have to get it in the boat. Getting it in the boat would have been a much better video than the fight. That I am sure of!
  21. I may know of a good chiropractor...ehemm
  22. Welcome! As I am sure almost everyone can attest to, the Ned is pretty much a vacuum. I've caught largemouth, smallmouth, spots, catfish, drum, carp, walleye, perch, crappie, sunfish, whites, wipers, and northern pike on it. So when using the Ned, I wouldn't really say it's "bass" fishing... More like "whatever is in the vicinity" fishing.
  23. I didn't bring my boat but as I was leaving, a couple of guys launched a 17' tracker.
  24. My father in law is coming into town this weekend (hence why I cannot go on the trip to grande). My wife wants to take him fishing for a few hours. Anyone have some suggestions for lakes or ponds? He said he likes using top water frogs but other than Miami, I don't know of anywhere to use them. On that note, I visited Miami this week... The whole lake looked like this Very think and very dense
  25. Speaking of the Ned, had anyone ever tried a longer hook and keeping it 5"? Just wondering if it might weed out some smaller fish or if it would just be like a normal senko.
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