I have been out of school for going on 15 years. I just started college courses in January. While not exactly a trade, I had a great job. I worked as a department manager at a boat manufacturing company. Making great money, especially for a manufacturing job, and for the area. I managed the engine department, and I DID work. Installing engines, overseeing other aspects of hull construction, and testing new engine/drive boat combos. (Was working on design of our first twin engine boat)
That company went out of business.
Without a degree, even higher end manufacturing jobs were harder to get. You need that little something extra to get you into the door, and that I believe is a degree.
So I took some crap jobs to make ends meet.
THIS IS THE BIGGEST REASON FOR GOING BACK TO SCHOOL=This may sound hokey, but after the wife and I became much more dedicated to living a christian life, I found myself distancing from the type of atmosphere I see in manufacturing jobs. Foul language, convicted felons, convicted sex offenders, filthy rest rooms including unmentionable writing on bathroom walls, METH addicts, the list goes on.
I just don't care to be around that. NOT ALL MANUFACTURING JOBS ARE LIKE THIS. The boat company wasn't. But many are.
In 5 years I'll be teaching. Not getting rich, but I'll be getting payed OK, in a much better enviroment, doing something I have wanted to do for some time, and have summers off.