Being someone who recently started guiding (two years ago) I have to say that there is some good advice in the previous posts. I would definately charge more. If the other guides are charging more and you are charging way less then as your potential clients shop around your prices will get you more negative feedback from other guides as well as make you look to be a less qualified person to take them out. Cheap prices could cause you to get less trips insted of more. You dont have to charge as much as they do but I would be close to their prices. I charge $150 a day for my guide service but I have far less money going out than you will. My boat is an all electric boat which all put together cost me less than $1000 dollars. It costs about $1 a day to operate and my tow vehicle is a small 1991 Dodge Colt which burns very little gas and is cheap to operate. And I probably dont charge enough. You will have a larger boat and tow vehicle and expenses to operate those add up quick. Next question is what kind of experience do you have in dealing with people and operating a business. Before being a guide I was a manager at other peoples large businesses. Without this experience I wouldnt have made it as a guide and would probably been back working a job real quick. At the time I started my guide service there were four other people who started guiding on the same lakes I did. They were all decent fishermen. They were all gone in a couple of months. And like George said they gave people a bad taste for guides on those lakes because they couldnt keep people catching fish and didnt have good people skills. All they did was tick a lot of people off. Also, there is a big difference between you catching fish and getting other people to be able to catch fish. You will have all different kinds of people of different skill levels get into your boat. All of them will not be able to cast well, feel strikes from fish, work a topwater properly, etc. You will have people get into your boat who think they know everything about fishing and will not listen to you about the lures, location and techniques you say will work. If you dont have the skills to deal with these people then you will have a very long day on the water. These ( the one who think they know everything) are also usually the ones who will bad mouth you to everyone they meet after the trip and try to ruin your reputation. Without the skills to help these people catch fish they may catch nothing for the day even though you could have caught 50. I suggest getting help and advice from someone who is already a guide there. I had a few guys, including Triton Mike from this website, who gave me a bunch of help and advice as I started my guide service. The advice they gave me was a big help in getting started and staying in business.