Hudds will work but I have done much better with baits that are a better match for the forage that are in the lake. I try to match the appearance ,size and swimming action of the forage that I feel the bigger bass are targeting most at the time and location I am fishing. For example if I see bass feeding on bluegill I have been able to get more strikes on a bluegill bait like a Mattlures bluegill than a Hudd. During the spring many of the lakes I fish have spawning gizzard shad which swim with a wide eratic swimming motion while spawning. I have thrown Hudds, and a bunch of other baits that swim with a tight action where the head of the bait stays still and the bait swims with the tail and the bass will not touch it. Switch to something with action like a Triple Trout which swims more like a spawning gizzard shad and I almost always catch more fish with it than a Hudd type bait. Sometimes I see gizzard shad swimming more like a Hudd when feeding along the bottom this time of year and I do a little better with baits that swim with more tail than body action bumping them along on the bottom. I am always trying to match the forage as close as possible when I fish with swimbaits just to increase my chances although they may also hit one that isn't anything like any baitfish in the lake as well.