Muddy, what are you looking for in a jighead? All jigheads are different and some are better at different things. What line you use, what rod you use, what type of cover etc. all makes a difference in which jighead is best. How you like to fish it makes a big difference. Many jigheads to me are just a gimmick designed to catch fishermen instead of fish but some are well thought out and work for what they are designed for. None that I have tried yet work best for everything. Since it is something I use a lot in different situations I am in the process of trying some different ones from a few different small companies that really understand what really makes a jighead work and are unique and different from most of what is out there to use in different situations. I did this because most companies didn't make what I was looking for and it limited when I could use a jighead. Often, I had to use something different than a jighead like a skirted jig because nobody made a good BARE NAKED JIGHEAD that did what I wanted it to do. So far I have found one for all but one situation which is pitching to heavy grass like hydrilla on heavy line and I am still looking for a company or person that can make this jighead for me. I have found some that were OK but not a perfect one yet and I still have one or two to try a little more. But since I have tested a bunch and went out looking for different ones I bet I can probably give you a good example to use for what you want it to do. So, what do you want to use it for?