You really should you probably would get some great stuff like these replys to me below. He still claims he was telling the truth. I suggested maybe he was just mistaken and might have made an honest mistake but he will not admit the fish aren't the weight he told GON. I told him about the discussion over here so he could post his side.
well when u do something good pepole will try to put u down but both fish are certified they were weighed on certified scales in front of many witenesses they are both in gon mag and i have witnesses to all of it iam 13th and 44th in the state of ga it is not a clame it is fact editors would not but them in the mag if it was not true so u go get one that big and u will see what u have to go trow to certifie them that nothing i was told by many that the 16.2 was bigger by the leath and girth it cameout bigger but i go by scaels .......... sorry u feel that way i have noting to prove but the next one i will have pics on scales what els to prove iam a bass master and will get one bigger next time lol
well were is mr randall have not herd anything or any body els lets do it a freindly bass tournement iam not afraid of any bass fisher men. lets put ower real skill to work lets wade the flint now no boat no fish finder just true skill me and randall any time are you afraid mr randall. iam not mad all of this just rolls of my back .that would be a real challange me and you anytime right now sounds good. and pepole have put the wroung fish pics on here and were they were relessed i have nothing els to prove. but i would like to challange mr randall to this south 19 going toward butler ga there is a brige there i challange you 8 hours this saterday there.. 7am to 3pm i will be there just let me no i bet u will not this will show true skill ............... no motors no boats no live wells no fish finders true real fishing a freindly day of bass fishing this is the true test. i challanged you i will be there you do not show well that will tell me all i need to know old shcool this will be fun. all have a great day and get the big ones
iam not trying to sell my plug that is aready took care of before this i did not no the 14.6 would be the record in westpoint // but i knew the 16.2 would be in toby peopel has the wroung pics up and tryed to make me look bad ihave caught many fish the ones you see in gon is the fish and they are not the same.i did make a mistake i did not wake the dnr up it was late both times .and i did not get the girth leanth right on the 14.6 but i no what the scales say next time i will get dnr /// but there are pleanty of witness to both bass so do not dog gon out mr baily contacted everyone a man i did not no weighed the 16.2 at toby i have a writen statements from him and statements about the westpoint bass to this is all i have to say do not jump the gun iam haveing reps done i will post them when i get them back and the best there is in the world is doing my reps ..thanks to all even the hateful people god bless
the first pic is not one of this fish no what you are talking about before you talk and i do not care if i sell 1 plug and the other fish is mounted fish some pepole need to go to pearl and get hearing aids i never said the fish were releised in westpoint or tobesakee i said they were relesed you can not tell a live fish from a monted fish the other fish is from years of fishing thanks: u sorry u feel this way but u whant to but you money were your mouth is i will go against u 1on one any time bass heads up
well since you know everything there is about bass fishing, i guess George Perry did not catch the world record bass in a beaver pond either did he, and i never said it was caught in the back of a creek channel i said off of sandy beach and the other at yellow jacket shoals, i will not give the dead direct spot out, that is my secert and i will go back and catch bigger fish, and i will call you to come verify it, if that makes you happier bassmaster sir. sorry you feel the way that you do, but pictures shows different things, i have already received a call form John Fox he has seen all measurement and photos and he says its larger than i reported, he contacted me about the fish. he is making the replicas for me so he has seen every single picture way more than you have been able to steal, and there were caught on a plug i designed and produced. i am not mad at you i know what i have done. i have many witnesses and photos and gon did call all of my witnesses and the people that weighed it and verified my story before it was printed. thank you and if you have anything else to say why don't you contact me yourself on myspace, i know you know how to find it. watch it slander is against the law, since you know so much about the law too. and by the way its not illegal to put the fish in a private pond as long as it is caught legally. I have told the DNR, and GON, the local newspaper and john fox, that i released the fish into a private pond, and it is legal. what is your beef with me and my fish, jealously or what?