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Everything posted by BTarby15

  1. hahaha very true!!
  2. The lions are NOT going to make it past the first round of playoffs, if they make it at all. They are one dementional...sure Javhid Best is good but only if you get him recieving or outside the tackles. Megatron is having a break out season this year but teams will figure out how to stop him. It'd be great to see the lions do well (even though im an eagles fan through and through). There are also flaws in the secondary and in the line backing core. We'll see how the rest of the season pans out after this weeks loss.
  3. I was at Cabela's the other day and saw a bow made for carp fishing...looked like a whole lot of fun. Has anyone tried it??
  4. Either a)stab it through the head with a sharp knife and a lot of force or get into its gill with a knife and bleed it out. Make sure to put it on ice right away...that extends the life of the fish meat 2-3 days.
  5. Chicken liver is probably one of the best. What i like to do...liver bomb the water about 2-3 hours before fishing, like you did, then throw my rods out there. If you wanna catch the big ones, use big octipus hooks, little ones cant fit that in their mouths. But definitely try letting your liver float down along the bank...never know when you'll find a big catfish hole.
  6. I'm a college student, just joined this forum, but have been actively fishing for over 12 years. Wheres the best places to bass fish in/around Lancaster County?
  7. I went to where the susquehana and conestoga meet (safe harbor) when the rivers were at crest stage...the river was about 2 feet from the road, when its usually about 100-150 feet from the road. It made for some great catfishing though!
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