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Everything posted by JEC

  1. welcome
  2. welcome
  3. Swamp Johnny Great read alotta info thank you for taking the time to type all that, and thanks to all the others for taking the time to respond
  4. practice, drive ,keen observation, passion, attention to detail, experience, versatility, and an absolute love for what they do just to name a few just my .02
  5. imo anyone can get beat on any given day but you do see alot of b a s s opens being won by locals and there are elites fishing these tournaments
  6. thanks for the replies kinda figured what the answer to the 1st question was gonna be. The 2nd question was the main one, thinking of trying to join a bass club but not sure how the members would respond to my lack of skills when having to fish with me not that i completely suck but dont think I'm by no means ready to be a tournament force
  7. size for me
  8. 1. do you feel tournament fishing has made you a better angler than you would have been without fishing them? 2. were you good before you started fishing tournaments or were you a novice hoping to get better?
  9. i have this same problem with mine as far as smoothness its great but no distance never thought about it might be over greased i'll have to check that
  10. IMO skill is more important than equipment would I catch less fish with downgraded equipment? sure I would because a lot of the bites I get I would never even feel due to sensitivity of the rods but if u took KVD and gave him an ugly stick and a zebco he would still out fish me no question
  11. welcome to the forums
  12. welcome alotta good info on this site
  13. eagle claw ball cap about almost ready for retirement guess i'll have to start teaching a new hat how to fish soon
  14. don't know much about the ice but currently own 6 of the micro magic 5 casting 1 spinning haven't tried the spinning yet but as far as casting cant go wrong with the micro magic light and very sensitive
  15. since I started bass fishing all my other hobbies have seemed to fade away
  16. ya still need to fondle them both to tell for sure the reviews on these are pretty close but starting to lean toward the smoke
  17. looking for feedback from people who have used one or both of these reels
  18. i have 4 of these rods i dont think you will be disappointed
  19. strike king silent stalker strike king series 5 and strike king 5xd
  20. all the cranks i have ordered are strike king i read all the reviews and the only bad reviews they had were all on the hooks plus want to go with red front hooks would rather go ahead and change them than lose a nice fish because of them
  21. i like the duckett micro magic 7' mh very light very sensitive and plenty of backbone for hook sets hard to beat for the price $159.00
  22. rods already puchased duckett micro magic split handle,reel still playing with them but leaning toward the revo stx ,line abrazx love the rods but open to sugestions on reel and line
  23. i agree site shoulda been left alone alotta info gone shouldnt have to go to other sights to get the specs on the product you wanna buy from them
  24. i cant say how long they will last i try to clean them asap but have left them overnight several times with no problems as long as they still have ice on them
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