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  1. Alright, ill see what they have to say. One more question. I realize it may be tough to answer since youre not physically there but ill still ask. Why is it i can catch bass from ponds a few hundred feet from my pond, bring him in mine, and not seem to catch him again? Ive brought 8-10 bass to my pond from others and havent caught one fish in two weeks. Whats so different about my pond? Anyone ever encounter this problem? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hello, new here, sorry if this is in the wrong section. I have a pretty small pond on my property probably 8 ft at the deepest point. You can practically cast across it too for a size reference. Over the past couple years its become overrun by sunnies. i believe they destroyed the bass population. i took a good number out but figured i should leave some in there. My neighbor has a fish farm and i was looking to buy some from him. What kinds of fish and how many of each would you recommend for a small pond in northeast pennsylvania? Thank you.
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