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Everything posted by LWD1982

  1. Hey it's my first year fishing here in middle Georgia. It's the 15th Nov 79 degrees. I don't think there is a fall bite but I'll just have to wait and see I do believe I'll be fishing through winter here.
  2. Just an assumption.
  3. Just because one bass isn't biting hard at your lure, doesn't mean the whole mood for all the bass at that time is slow? For instance today I was getting bites but not the type of bites you could set a hook on just soft playful non committed bites it felt like. I guess it really depends how ravenous the bass are. Well take care and have a good one. LWD
  4. Fishing near an airbase do you think a sonic boom would throw off your bite? tx, LWD
  5. Wow great info thx. How big can a bass grow in inches from spawn until now? For instance can I expect a 12 inch bass to be from this year or last years spawn? I do believe in the lake I fish there were bluegill fry.
  6. Hello out of curiosity I wondered why there are still a bunch of small fry in the lake when spawn time was a long time ago? My only guess would be because the DNR added them to keep the fish population stocked is that right? I don't know how else I'd be seeing really young fry swimming around this far away from spawning time unless someone added them. Take care now. Thank you, LWD
  7. I hate getting skunked but I accept it when it happens. I fish for either brim or bass so if the bass are skunking me at least I'm catching some brim. Hardly ever get skunked on the brim though they are quite plentiful.
  8. Hey I got a chance to help out some shore anglers. I was in my kayak and one fellow called to me "come get this bass". It had appeared they got a snag but there was still a fish on his line. I went over there put my hand down in the water to retrieve the line and behold there was a 17 inch bass on the end of it. They were so happy when I brought the fish over there to them. They thanked me for it and I paddled away knowing that the fish could of gotten away from them if it wasn't for my help. Good fishin' LWD
  9. Y'all gave me a bunch of ideas I hope to try soon, thanks.
  10. Hi I'm trying to fish the shallows of this lake included here. I wonder where bass will be held up? In the shallows now is only 2ft of water or less, lake levels really low. I've been hearing folks having good luck there. I mostly fish the deeper part of the lake, without proper bass location knowledge I catch 1, 2 at best. Now there's plenty bluegill and shad forage but for the most part the biggest bass I caught was 2lb. There are lots of fallen timber and those skinny type trees that stick out of the water. I tried throwing a c-rig lizard around the edges but haven't had any success. I'm interested in the shallow region because I've fished the deep part to death and maybe they all moved to the shallows. Hey thanks a lot for reading this and good luck to you. LWD
  11. Thanks Koop I'm learning something.
  12. Okay then thanks
  13. Hi do these crank baits go all the way to the bottom, or do they swim mostly mid depth or near surface when retrieving them? I know they make diving crank baits but I'm asking about regular billed crank baits like a Rebel teeny -r or Rapala shad rap no sinker for example. Do the bass on the bottom usually come up in depth to attack these baits or should I go with a targeted depth specific crank bait? Hope I didn't confuse anyone. Thanks, LWD
  14. LWD1982

    Rebel Pop-R

    It casts much further with 4lb mono. My fault I thought it was the 3" but it's the teeny 2".
  15. LWD1982

    Rebel Pop-R

    Thanks SirSnookalot the lighter the line the further the cast?
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