here are some of my thoughts about skirts, and what they are made out of. silicone is the most popular because of all the colors that can be produced that can not be done with rubber. i like to use slip on skirts, whether rubber or silicone, just from the standpoint of being more versatile in doing so. my jigs last long enough that the skirt will be eaten off long before it is lost is another reason. i am not against hand tied jigs at all. a better flare can be obtained with rubber material, unless they skirt is tied with the skirt material itself. then, it has the same function as hand tied, but can be changed. either way from a manufacturing standpoint, both are more labor intensive to do and add to the cost of the product. hair of course must be tied. because of labor costs, many manufactures just do not offer it anymore, and marketing has made it become less desireable to the fisherman, not the fish. i use all three materials, and i do so based on what the bass are eating, and whether they want a fuller profile bait or a more slender one. i still use hair jigs that i tie for my own use. the amount of hair that you use will also have an effect on the profile of your jig. the number of big bass that i have caught over the years is probably pretty even between rubber and hair. silicone lags way behind. i am pretty much f the opinion that the jig head could be lead without paint. i just need the basic color to come out with my skirt and trailer. the vast array of colors we have now is much more to catch fisherman than it is the fish. i sell jigs and am telling honestly about colors. we have to sell the consumer first. for me, i would be worried a lot more about the performance of my jig than the colors. does it actually hook accurately, or is it hooking all over the mouth?? is it really snagproof, or does it take at least 6 jigs or more to fish an outing. just some of my thoughts about jigs and skirts.