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Everything posted by cfruel

  1. I think Powerpro is the best. It seems to not cut into it's self on the spool as much as others. I have tried several and this is favorite.
  2. I use Fluoro for all most all of my baits, including cranks. Trilene Pro Fluoro is IMO the best. I have tried almost all of them and this stuff is awesome. Cy
  3. I have a 7' Loomis Med Power Crank Bait rod, CBR843. It is about two years old and I LOVE IT! It has been a great rod and I would own another one. With that said I and going to buy a BPS Crankin' Stink. I was reading some reviews on the BPS rod and everyone raves about them. Check the reviews on the BPS web site about he Crankin' Stick. If I remember correctly one person said they use nothing but G Loomis rods and the BPS Crankin' Stick. For $50.00 each I am will try one or two for myself. Cfruel
  4. cfruel

    Hello all!

    Cyrus, I was asking because my name is Cyrus as well. I don't think I have ever met another Cyrus spelled the same way. Where are you from? Thanks, Cfruel
  5. cfruel

    Hello all!

    Welcome...I am sure you will enjoy this board. What I really want to know is Cyrus you name, nick name or what? Cfruel
  6. What happens when that huge Northern Pike or LMB comes and eats you million dollar gizmo! You will get really good footage of the inside of a fish.
  7. You can also look into someting like this or combine it with cooler for nice livewell. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/index/index-display.jsp?id=cat21306&navAction=jump&navCount=1&parentId=cat21276&parentType=category&cmCat=MainCatcat21276 Cfruel
  8. I have fished for and caught a lot of Northern Pike and I never use wire leaders. The reason is that Pike are followers...they follow body baits and attack from behind. 9 times out of 10 Pike are hooked on the rear hook of a body bait and normally stay there. Sure there are time where the bait is deep in the mouth but not very often. I personaly hate any thing other then the line between me and the bait. I don't use leaders, snaps or anything like that. Plastics are a little different story but they are cheap and you are probably going to break a few of them off anyway.
  9. When the lower unit oil comes out any color other then dark it is a problem and you have water in the lower unit. The reason the light comes out first is because it is heavier mixed with water. You need to have the lower unit serviced for water leaks and in most cases a new seal kit is not very expensive. I am not sure what the service fees would be if you deside to have it done. Cfruel
  10. I'm not from KY but I saw a show on jug fishing for catfish once and they were using shad for bait. Maybe it's a way to curb jug fishing with out banning jug fishing. For Example here in Michigan we have a long history in snagging salmon. It was legal once but no longer is. In order to stop "accidental" snagging it is illegal to have your weight below the hook unless you have a 3" tag line between your main line and the hook. I don't know if you have ever seen a snagging setup but the weight is either molded to the hook or below it. So basically we are not allowed to drop shot. They are looking at changing that law for 2006 on non-salmon waters. But really I am just guessing. Cfruel
  11. Fymax, You have pretty much cover all of the bank materials that I know of. As far as the best blank available that is a matter of opinion and what is available. Not all rod manufactures sell their blanks. I think G Loomis, St Croix and Lamiglas are some of the best for bass fishing, there are others for fly rods. I build some of my own rods but I have a hard time staying focused on it long enough to finish one. If I can answer any questions about rod building I will be happy to. Good Luck Cfruel
  12. Hey Hot n Tot, Was that Senko wacky or weedless? Were you fishing that spinner bait deep in 17' or near the top? I live in West Michigan and the fishing is starting to get tought around here. I fished a tournament on Sat and 2/3 of the field didn't catch a limit. Thanks.
  13. I just bought some super glue gel, I believe it is Super Glue brand. The gel is really nice! It doesn't get all over and the cool bottle it is in doesn't clog. I really like it and it was about $2.50. Cy
  14. I have caught fish on top water all day in the past, especially in off color water but the morning/evening and the shade is normally the best. I agree with Senkos and jigs but I also like crank baits off the rocks. Bang that crank bait into the rocks and pause it for a sec and then snap it a little. Cy
  15. I am reading it right now...so far I like it. I am only a few chapters into it but I have found it interesting. I am at a tuff spot in my fishing right so I am hoping that it will inspire me or help me get my focuss back.
  16. Water, I was on Hardy Pond 4/16 and catching smallies deep in cuts off the lake. They were mainly holding on wood structure tight to the bank and crushing a spinner bait. I also picked up fish on a crank baits and tubes. Cfruel - fellow Grand Rapidian
  17. I am looking at buying a Javelin bass boat w/ a Johnson 150. I think I found a good deal on one and I am interested to hear if any of you have an experience with them. What's good, what's bad or just what you think about them. It's a 1999 Javelin Renegade 19 w/ 1999 Johnson 150. Thanks, Cfruel
  18. I am from Grand Rapids, MI. I fish eveything from 300 acre lakes to 5000+ acre lakes for bass. I fish Lake Michigon once in while for Salmon when the fishin' is good. When the water isn't frozen the bass fishing is normally good around here.
  19. Thanks.
  20. What is a FICHT? Is it an acronym for sometime or was it a manufacturer?
  21. BASS Strike for PS2 is a good game but it is hard to reel in fish. The game feel and controller feedback is good. Rapala Pro Fishing is not a good game. The graphics are good but there is no way to see the fish coming to hit the lure and you can only use crank baits (Rapala baits). There is absolutely no feedback from the controller, it is a boring stupid game. I haven't played any of the other games mentioned.
  22. Katja5, I build my own rods, keep in mind that comparing apples to apples it is not really cheaper to build your own rods but you can build a better rod and the enjoyment of building it. I would recommend that you buy Advance Custom Rod Building by Dale Clemens and/or Fiberglasss Rod Making. Amazon has it or your local book store might. There are also other books on rod building but I haven't read them. You can do several things for rod wrappers ideas check Cabelas or Mudhole.com. I would suggest that you request the Tackle Craft catalog from Cabelas. I bought my wrapper from Cabelas for $100 and few other things. There is a lot little stuff you need for rod building that the book will help you ID those things. You will need lots of masking tape!!! You can also check out this forum www.rodbuilding.org Good Luck. Cy
  23. Strike King Series 3 #508 (Green Back and Chartreuse)
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