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  1. That's my 1991 18' Ragin Cajun she's not new but she takes me everywhere.
  2. Nice fish and good job on the video. You will only get better. You can buy you some inexpensive video editing software at walmart or just about any place that sells computers and you will be able to do all sorts of stuff with your videos. And it's really not that hard to do. Keep it up and I look forward to seeing more.
  3. The biggest bass of the tournament went a little over 8 lbs. But like you said it may have been caught before the tournament and not count for it but I was even upset about that. You can never be upset when you catch a fish like that.
  4. thanks everybody
  5. I forgot to mention this was on Lake Conroe just North of Houston, TX
  6. So the brother in law and I decided we were gonna hit a couple of spots before the tournament and if we caught a keeper we would leave it alone and check the next because he hadn't fished them in awhile. So the first spot I'm first cast into it and land a 3 pounder and throw it back and just for kicks I cast again and land a 4 pounder so we leave and check the next spot and I'm 2 or 3 casts into and hook a donkey. I knew it was a good un but I didn't realize how good until it got to the boat and then we was scramblin for the net and landed her. We weighed and then turned her back to the open waters for someone else to catch. She weighed in at 11.2 pounds. As for the tourney we weighed in 2 fish in which this tourney only allows 3 fish total but we didn't place. But still well worth the trip. Sure would've been nice to weigh in that big one but that's the way it goes.
  7. Referred to the site by another member. Looking forward to learning a lot more about the sport of Bass fishing. Looks like this site is a gold mine of knowledgeable people and a wealth of information and tips.
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