Hello everyone!
I am Leslie and my husband's name is Jeff. We live in Mid-western Lower Michigan. Jeff has been running an NBAA divison for about 4 years, and has been fishing roughly for about that long. Myself? I have been fishing since I was old enough to hold a fishing pole, and I am nearly 33 years old. This year is the first year I have ever fished for Bass. Starting because my husband didn't have a partner. I am known for catching the first and the biggest fish no matter when we go out. Hence the first cast I ever threw landed a 3.5lbs, 27 inch largemouth bass. This season is now over and its time to concentrate on next. And frankly I am tired of being skunked by a team who is just bearly old enough to be my sons.
Now here is where the advice is needed, Jeff is pulling out of his division as a director. We are going to just fish for fun. Here in lays the problem: Jeff has become heavily reliant on the Yamamoto brand of lures, double tailed grubs at that. And with this season being my first I had to rely on his collection of lures, which isnt much. Are there any suggestions out there for me to start my own tackle box? Lures for water clarity verses weather verses early and late season?
Poles.... Who can forget about the angler's best friend. Jeff says I need to use open face rod and reels. Frankly I despise them. I have never been able to control my cast with an open face and end up with a large birds' nest just outside the reel. Anyhow.... Any suggestions for moderatly priced reels, rods, or combos that aren't open faced?
Next year I want to be able to say we won! I am looking to the gurus who patrol this forum to help me-----er.... us out
I appologise for the long-winded intro, but I am sure I have a ton more questions as the next season gets closer.