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Everything posted by pitchinthejig

  1. lmao that is a fact my friend that is a fact. but is does empty wallets in a hot minute!
  2. LOL 700 worth of pure quality and pride of ownership!!!!!!!!!!
  3. A 6.6MHF stick can be used for many things so you wont be limited thats for sure with uses. i would use it for skipping flukes under docks\over hangs ide go with 14\16#fc and go stick me some fish under docks with a fluke! also would be good for sniper spinner bait as well as Trigs and casting jigs. depending on the size of the jerk baits i would say it might be a little to much rod you will got get the distance on the cast with smaller jerk baits. it would be fine with like LC 128 pointers and vision 110's its the smaller stuff that will cost you distance, also depending on how stiff that stick is it might cost you fish due to ripping hooks out so if you do use it for that go with a slightly stretchier line to help keep fish pinned. i do not like 6.6 rods for jerk baits... i use a 7' Steez flexlite for smaller jerk baits and a 7'2mh flexlite for 100's and up.
  4. back lashing will spoil a spool of some fcs very easy... softer more stretchy fc's do better fighting off kinking however your harder more sensitive less stretchy stuff does not like a back lash if it is more then a over run and you come to a spot and it locks up it will kink its self very easy and you will have a line failure at that spot. another thing is this if the line is digging in on the sides of the spool when setting a hook it will cause a weak spot if you ever notice that happening it will only happen with thin line 6-8lb line on a casting reel then go with a heavier line on that reel.
  5. 6lb yozuri will be a handful on that small spool, i would go with 4lb xl or clear blue stren.
  6. Ryoga 1016 i use one for super heavy cover punching, its a fine reel thats built like a tank smooth as silk and will pitch baits with ease..
  7. You will love it, that rod will spoil you!
  8. My two dedicated trap setups are a 7M Steez Flexlite/IS73 for lighter baits/cover and a 7'2 Flexlite/Zillion Type R for ripping traps out of grass and busting them through brush and timber. if you are looking for the most wicked sweet trap stick out there the 7'2MH Flexlite is it, both are awesome sticks but the 7'2 gets far more use for what I use them for and I will be buying another 7'2 shortly. However if they are more then you want to spend my Dad loves his Phenix X10 I can not speak for that stick as I have never used it however I can say this he is avery good tourney guy as am I and I assure you if it didnt do its job well he wouldnt use it. But if you dont mind putting up the cash the Flexlite CAN NOT be beat, they stick them well and hold them tight, they feel awesome in hand and are uber sensitive cranking sticks the only bad this is that once you own one you will "need" more... as of right now I own 6 of them and need one more 7'2 lol 90% of my cranking (Lipless or Lipped) duties are done with a Flexlite.
  9. A BCR852 Mossyback is a BCR852 Mossyback a BCR852 GLX is a BCR852 GLX... If its what he said then I would buy them all to flip lol.... that would be a HELL of a deal on new sticks.
  10. can you plz pm where you got it at for that price? i will buy every one they have at that price
  11. 100% correct you dont have to change fc that much if its a high quality fc like in your cause the stuff lasts a very long time.... the heat is killing the line keep it out of heat when not in use.
  12. leader spools of fc are much much tougher line then filler line is in bass fishing its not needed unless you are around zebra mussels then it would make a big difference over filler line being used as leader.
  13. nice read J, gives the guys looking for a mid range stick another choice to look at i guide on many lakes in Florida and on a few lakes around Atlanta and i dont like my customers using MY jdm gear but i also want them using decent gear. mostly i set them up with 6 to 8 rigs depending on the lake and mainly its Fuego and Sol casting reels and Fuego and Sol 2000 or 2500 spinning reels so i make sure they have nice gear on the trips as you can see..... to get to the point lmao... when fishing in a few deep clear lakes in north atl drop shotting for spots and the wind starts blowing a my guests start having a hard time with the Cielo drop shot sticks i set them up with... as you know very nice rods and that sst drop shot rod is a awesome drop shot stick however not when you have to start adding weight as the tip dont carry weight over its rating worth of s**t. do you think these tourney grade sticks are durable enough to be guide customer sticks? do you think they will stand up to high sticking as most will do that because they are fairly new and dont know thats a no no and even after telling them they still do it.. another thing i want good looking rods so they dont start eyeing my megabass and evergreen stuff and wanting to try this and try that lol. let me know if you think these rods would be a great rod for what im wanting as i will pick 2 or 3 up if you think they would be... no one around me carries them so i cant just go see them but i know i can take your word on them.
  14. IMHO if you dont want to change line the way you have them is good! I would however go to 50-65LB braid on the frogging stick. Ide go with 30# braid on #2 with 12-14# FC leader I would go with 30# braid because 20# digs in a lot im sure. when you say you use #1 for top water you mean frogs and toads right? not treble hook type top waters right? thats way to much rod if you are and im sure you loose a lot of fish due to ripping hooks out? it will make a great frog rod as you know as well as Horny toads as well as pitching and flipping and hollow body swim baits and smaller hard bodies. I would use #2 for T-rigs and jigs bigger spinner baits and buzz baits. but I would keep it as my main bottom contact lure rig. And Fluke type baits I would use #3 for cranks as you said but I would change to Mono as that sticks a little stiff and if you are using good FC it wont have much stretch in 15#... thats fine if lets say you are ripping lipless cranks out of grass or fishing shallow cranks and square bills around timber, rocks ECT ECT. but for the most part Mono in 12-14-17# (Depending on where im fishing my cranks will tell me what # test line I need) will keep fish on trebles hooked up better.. I use FC or braid for cranking depending on what Im doing with it but Im using Parabolic action sticks so I can get away with low/no stretch lines because the rod will keep the fish stuck. I would use this rig for my topwater to with Mono even tho its a little long and you may slap the water with the tip because the rods a little long for a top water stick but it will do. If it was me I think I would swap the reels on #3 and #4 unless I really wanted my cranks moving and if you are gonna fish any deeper cranks the lower G/R will be a little easier on the wrist after a day of cranking. if I didnt go deep much and was more shallow cranks and lipless baits I would just leave them how they are. I would go with 15-17# FC and use #4 as my Spinner bait rod, It will be accurate and let you put the S/B where you want it better then a longer rod and will also let you lay it in the water real soft! and Buzz baits as well.... this is the rig I would use for fishing Fluke type lures when I needed to be real accurate and lay the lure right up where I think the fish.
  15. J is right, the exceler is a reel they used the tooling of the aggrest to make as to pull more funds off what they invested in the tooling. the reels are not even close to the same reel my wife loves hers it will cast right there with my Zillions in distance, they are very smooth reels however i will say this the drag isnt the greatest thing but she uses hers as a pitching reel mostly and locks it down so that dont matter much and im sure you could make a carbontex drag work for it, i put them in all my reels and hers to we just never messed with that one. hers is the JDM model as well so i cant say for sure the usdm model has the same drag but i would almost bet it does. you would be better off going with a TD-A 153HSTA imho at that same money as its a better reel from the one ive fished but its much bigger and heavier then the aggrest so if you are looking for smallish form factor and weight ide get the aggrest if you want almost Zillion refinement for under 200 get the hsta or find you a used but decent shape TD-Z 103 or 105 and put them to shame.
  16. DC is super soft, limp and silky smooth like sniper is but even sniper becomes a little stiff and coil-y in higher # tests as where DC stays softer then most of even the softest and smoothest of monos. its got about the same stretch as sniper and imho slightly better abrasion resistance then sniper.. you can not beat DC as a square bill line in heavy timber, spinner baits in and around cover and lipless baits banging them around in cover it shucks abrasion more then good enough for doing any of that, its sensitivity is plenty for any moving bait. its not a line i use for bottom contact baits because shooter is SO much better at that job. with moving baits DC lets me use a stiffer more powerful stick to fish that lure (i prefer the stiffest rod i can use before i start pulling trebles out) that i can so i can rip it out of grass or clear the hooks easier then with a softer rod but this line has enough stretch to keep hooks in them tight but no to much that its hard to stick them on a long cast or that i cant pop the lure out of cover real good. It costs big time lol but for what i just said I do not believe there is a better FC out there and man thats THIN for its pound test.. its thinner then shooter, sniper and any of the Toray stuff in the same pound test,
  17. ultra important NEVER lube a AR bearing, keep them nice and clean and thats that. when i service my reels i take the AR bearing apart and clean each roller and reinstall on my casting reels, i dont mess with the AR in my very few spinning reels.
  18. I paid 3400 bucks for a wrap on my Z-9 and love it, they also protect the Gel coat pretty well and really well from the Sun, Sun fades boats pretty quick as you all know and I spend about 250 days a year on the water that was my main reason for wrapping and it looks cool lol... but anyhow thats what you are gonna pay for a pretty detailed wrap if you go with a easier wrap you are looking at mid to high 2's. I had a Place in Orlando do my boat if you want the companies name PM me and I will give you contact details.
  19. I would go with a smaller Fluke type bait weightless, a small natural color jig and craw trailer 1/8th to 3/16th oz Max.. If I could see the fish I would take a Ima Flit in Matt blue gill cast it past them reel it to them and stop it in front of them and then just twitch the slack in the line to get it to sit there in front of them while dancing and rolling from you twitching the slack in the line. if you see active fish I would take a 3/8th oz double williow spinner bait, close the gap in the wire so you can burn it without it lifting to much and burn the heck out of it right under the surface and twitch it at times making the blades clack together it may break the surface at times when you twitch it while burning it but thats fine as it will cause the blades to really clack and that draws strikes a lot of times. Ide go with a White/chart, White/blue, white/green, Sexy shade or blue gill colored spinner bait. if you got a little wind causing the surface to ripple a little then I would say this could stick fish in the pond for sure. I would go with a Popper when its low light and or a Buzz bait. This is all great pond tactics here in the south. My fav is the Ima flit thats a tight lipped fish killer here in ponds and I have stuck many good fish in small ponds here doing just what I told you.
  20. The 832 is a good line and it is sensitive however to me it doesnt transmit anything as well as Daiwa braid does, I believe its got to do with the super small dia. of the Daiwa stuff and how super tight its braided. I have tried 832 in a few different tests and liked it pretty good but it only stayed on a PX68 gave all the left over to my dad. IMHO and many many others nothing comes close to the Daiwa stuff... The only other braid I will use (I will never buy any 832 again) is Toray Bawo and I only buy that when I cant get any Daiwa braid and need it right then and my local guy has the Toray stuff.
  21. I used a Megabass EVO F4-610XDti for pitching the outside of heavy grass lines and wanted a little longer stick so I bought a DX 743 SG and fell in love with it and bought one more two days after I got the first they are AWESOME sticks at there price point in fact that stick made me end up with 8 DX sticks in about a month. Its enough rod to move big fish even if they get me in the Eel grass or Hydrilla I can get them out.. The dobyns DX rods allowed me to retire some of my Evergreen and Megabass sticks that I used for really high stress tactics in fear of breaking 700-1000 dollar hard to get rods that I like better in my fishing room.. and these rods are excellent sticks, very durable, sensitive and light and are built well with good hardware for a price thats awesome for the amount of rod you get. One has a Daiwa/MegabassIS73 and the other has a Zillion type R on it, they balance VERY well with super light reels and heavier reels alike. I cant speak for the other dobyns rods as I have never touched any but if the DX says anything about the lower priced sticks then they are a value for the money.
  22. I have 2 TD-Z BBS NIB and one I use I will be listing one of the NIB reels on Ebay soon J so maybe you want it? if you do I will make you a Buy it now deal on Ebay... Just PM me if you are interested.
  23. This hit it on the head, All my reels have really light spools and when changing to a reel that has a heavier spool if you are tuned in to your reels well you will feel like the spool doesnt want to start spinning and will take a few casts to adjust. When I go from lets say a TD-Z 105 to a TD-Z 100M I can easily feel the extra spool weight when casting... I can feel the extra spool/line weight when casting my Steez 103 VS a Steez 100 even tho its not a ton of weight I notice it and I dont like it, I prefer the lightest spool in a reel I only fish Daiwa reels so and I know how each reel feels and cast. I love my Zillion Family of reels my FAV is my HLC's on all my others I couldnt stand the stock spool because they are to hard to get spinning with light baits so I swapped all they with TD-Z 100M spools and the reel fishes like a champ! I have never fished a reel with a DBS but I would think the spools are close to 20 Grams or more without line and I believe they wouldnt cast light baits very well, I may be wrong on that one being I have never used one but I know from me Daiwa's heavier spools DO NOT cast as good as light spools, Take a Zillion one with ABEC7's and a stock spool and one with ABEC7's and a 100M spool in order for me to get the same distance on lets say fishing a trap I will need to fish a 5/8ths to 3/4oz trap before I can catch the 100M spool and with a 100M spool I can cast baits 1/8th oz with useable distance with a stock Zillion spool I dont want to cast under 3/16ths and would prefer 1/4oz+.. Spool weight makes a huge difference and I would be willing to bet the Curado will out cast a DBS reel with lighter lures with ease.
  24. I will be bidding 15% more then the last bid with 5 minutes to go on ALL these jerseys The jerseys I win I will pay for and then note DB to keep them all and re list them to resell for the foundation. I have tears in my eyes reading what he wrote on the listings as I am looking at my three babies laying watching TV falling a sleep next to me. the 4 Year old little princess that loves Bass fishing as much as her Daddy (my wonderful little girl in my profile picture) and my little 2 year old baby boy who loves the deck of my bass boat and cries anytime I fish and cant take him and then my 8 year old that hates fishing and loves hunting with her papa (I used to hunt but got far to soft to pull the trigger on anything living, unless of course it was trying to harm my family) I cant believe how this hit me, reading it and thinking about how lucky I am to be able to spend 60+ thousand dollars on a new Bass boat every 2-3 years and how some people cant provide food for their kids and selves. My heart is broken thinking about something that we take for granted every day. Don B. I will contact you on Ebay letting you know my User name and will bid 15% over the current bid at 5 minutes to go on each jersey and then ask you to re-list the units after payment and this will be my little helping of your wonderful foundation. I will pay with a check if you would add the paypal fees to the donation instead of giving it to paypal that doesnt need any donations.
  25. I fish only Daiwa reels and my setup is like this, for pitching I will set the spool tension as loose as I can with NO tension on the spool just stopping the side to side play if set to loose... I set my mags on ZERO in fact when I used to use TD-X 103's for pitching back in the day I took the whole breaking system off the spool as too lighten the spool as much as I could and also to take ANY mag break away because even on zero theres still some given a setup like this takes a trained thumb but I also cast with the spools set the same on my TD-Z's, Steez's, Zillions, Pixys and Alphas and mags between zero and 3 MAX... once you have trained your thumb to pitch with NO breaking you will never want to pitch a reel that doesnt have a TOTALLY free spool... the less breaking the lower you will be able to keep the lure to the water and the more range and accuracy you will gain... it just takes a little effort to learn to pitch with a totally free spool... If you go this route of pitching then I would start out with a heavy braid because it will be easier to pick out back lashes when you get them and also it will back lash less... once you get trained pitching like this it will allow you to cast with a lighter mag adjustment and spool tension improving casting distance and accuracy as well.
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