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Everything posted by pitchinthejig

  1. http://www.tackletour.net/TTForums/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=36933 LMAO Im being talked about by the staff!!! They didnt want to do it at first and then I talked them in to it and had the wife grab another 10... I was going to go back and buy 20 more but they was all gone and I dont know how many people did this and I dont want the auction sites being to over loaded with them killing off the value to much.. Gander has some at 129.99 and they didnt move to many as far as I know and both my local stores had plenty but I dont want anymore so they can keep em lmao.
  2. IMHO I like the Pixy Airy Red the best I believe it handles the super light stuff a tad better then the other Pixys.. BUT on AVG. they cost more then the other model Pixys.. more less they are the same as the other Pixys with just a diff handle and a diff spool. when it comes to the really light stuff any of the Pixys will put the Alphas, sol ect to shame but the Alphas is overall a more versatile reel then the Pixys.. if you are looking for the light lure, light line king then any of the Pixys will suite you just fine... Just so you know the Airy red has the Mag V/Type R+ rotor as well and a Duraluminum spool Vs the other Pixys have normal Mag V rotors and TD-Z like GIGAS spool. 2003 Model Pixy is the Orange pearl Mica color 2004 is Yellow Pearl Mica color... Other then color they are 100% the same reel. The Airy red like I said has the Tuned spool and a forged TD-Z style handle, Other Pixys have Stamped handles. I like my PressoZILLAs better then my Pixzillas for the ultralight stuff IMHO my tuned Pressos will go lower then any other reel out there. BUT the presso holds VERY VERY little line the Presso spool VS the Pixy spool makes the Pixy spools look like a Deep spool lol. but if you want super light line and a reel that will cast the lightest of the light the Presso is the reel to go with. Any of them even in stock form will cast ultra light lures but this is a must, a drag upgrade if you are using 4-6# test line then the stock drag is fine if you are using them for anything else then do a drag upgrade.
  3. I was fishing in the spill way at Rodman Dam a two or three years ago fishing for Strippers when they come up there and slay the big shad. I stuck something that was BIG and powerful it felt like a 35-40# stripper and the current at the spill way is really fast and strong so I was in the fight about 25 minutes and this thing just didnt stop it make 40-50 yard runs with (Daiwa pluton and 50# braid) and ide slowly bring it back and then bam run again... after about 45-50 minutes I landed it and it was a 8X10 foot piece of window screen... You couldnt believe how it was fighting I mean it fought just like a large stripper pulling line off on big unstoppable runs and then at times diving... That current rolling pulling it down deeper and deeper and then it grabbing the running current when I would get it up some and then back to diving it was unreal how much it felt like a fish... when it would shake and turn in the current it felt like head shaking.. I had about 10 boats and every one on the dam watching me and cheering me on lol as they thought I had a huge stripper just like I did it was something I will never forget and a few of my bass tourney buddies was out there sticking some strippers during the run and they still to this day rib me anytime we have a tourney at rodman about it.
  4. Man thats awesome King bait! they LOVE them some Ribbons!
  5. yes you are correct if you push two off then you will have a freer longer spinning spool then if you had 4 on.
  6. Mac, I speak ONLY of FACTS I have encountered on ANYTHING I comment about... I do not talk about what I have heard or just seen as many people do to me in MOST cases this is the BS that points people down the WRONG path to start with. when I write something its in 99% of cases what I have had happen first hand be it fishing or life. I dont speak as if what I say is the golden rule BUT when I speak its of FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE and to me when someone speaks from first hand that is MUCH more useful then "My friend used this and hated or loved it or well I was reading this and that" If you worked at the BPS and because I went in nice and was MORE THEN IN THE RIGHT and you wouldnt deal with the problem the way it should be because you didnt like that I pointed out in your return/replacement policy that you was WRONG then Im more then sure you wouldnt have a career at BPS very long... Now I cant speak for all BPS stores but the one in Orlando has tick poor service not once but every time something other then cash being spent is needed and even when spending the service is sub par. many many complaints from many many people are placed on that store... So 100's of others and my self ARE authority's on that FACT. Like snook said if the time owned of the rod was stated I wouldnt have had a word to say even though I have had problems with BPS and the only thing I will buy from them would be Electronics and line, lures hooks and the similar thats because I have one close by and dont want stuff like that shipped or I want to go to a store that has what I need then. You have a problem with my posts well Im sorry I speak what I know and IMHO feel is correct nothing more nothing less. When I say something is the best well to ME it is or I wouldnt say it.. When I say something sucks I either DONT comment on it or I tell what I know of the unit spoke of. I dont like Shimano you dont see me commenting on their stuff, Ask something about a Daiwa reel I have owned and I will tell you what I KNOW of it and that is what a forum should be about then I and many others have no reason being here. Everyone have a wonderful day and stick some fish tomorrow!!!!
  7. LOL I bet they arent happy 1 bit! Im glad he is building again! You know it will 100% take some sells away from Shimano! Way to go G. Loomis! Ill buy a stick or two for sure!
  8. I was at Academy at 5am this morning and they had (I CAN NOT believe this is coming out my mouth as im 110% Daiwa reels only) a bunch of Shimano Ceanne/crucial combos on sale for 69.99 normal price sticker was 159.99 I bought 3 of them for my nephew its not the brand new updated sticks the last gen cork grip\ECS reel seat models i got him two 7MHF and one 6.6MHF and had a 20% off for checkouts of 100.00 or more coupon from a girl scouts coupon book I also bought ten spools of P-Line CX for 1.88 each Ten spools of CXX for 1.88 each 20 spools of Sufix fused line at 2.88 each 15 spools of P-line Halo FC for 2.88 a spool... bought my dad 15 spools of clear blue Stren 330Y spools for .88 cents the line deals are AWESOME even after all i bought they still had plenty of the sale stufff in most lb tests I know this post got way off topic but just letting you guys know whats there right now.... I also got my a bunch of 1\4 and 1\2oz red eye shads (i dont like them much but at this price i had to grab a bunch) 1.18 each, they only had a few colors at that price.. they had a lot of big bite baits for .68 a bag i got me a bunch of those also not my fav plastics BUT work great for pre fishing so you dont burn up your high dollar soft plastics as bad, they didnt have all the different styles at that price but a good bit of them was and in good colors too... i got me ten 3\8th oz chart and white War eagle spinner baits for 1.88 as well i would have bought more but i got them all lol... I only fish Owner and Trokar hooks BUT if you are a fan of Gammys they had some sizes of off set worm hooks and EWG hooks for .88 a pack. I looked at their black friday ad and it sucked but i went there to grab a few pairs of shows for my wife and kids and a pair or two for me...well when i got there they had racks setup with awesome deals on them and also when you walked down the racks the had yellow price dropped stickers mixed in with the normal stuff and wow some of the deals wow crazy good... Im sure all the stores are doing it but might not have all the same products on sale anyhow its really worth a trip if you have one even within a 20 to 30 mile drive... im lucky i have two within ten miles of me.... I will be hitting the other store soon only reason i havent yet is i have been shopping with the wife since 12am and i needed a nap but i didnt nap nope i came on here and talked to your fellas lmao...
  9. One more Px ype R so the other four have a new buddy... Got a new Evergreen Black racer waiting on her now! more then likely i will be ordering one next week. so it has to be under the tree and cant be bought before.... hmmmm another super stallion or another white python... I have one of each but wont fish them because scared of breaking one so either or would be great that way i would be able to fish one worry free. I know you said one but thats a dead on tie i would be just as excited to own another one of either.
  10. Before you comment make sure you KNOW the situation.... I had the receipt bought from BPS on the 6.3 with the cracked insert and it happened within about 20 days of me buying and on the first use.... chances are something caused it AT THE store such as some moron slapping the rod on the floor to hard when checking the action of it.... They wouldnt touch it because the Mgr was a first class JERK PLAIN AND SIMPLE.... Laughable? calling someones post out without knowledge of the situation is laughable. If this stick was bought from Cabelas, TW or a local non big box store tackle shop it would have been a no questions asked swap. If you had me build you a target gun and I cut the chamber 1/1000th to tight and sent it to your FFL I wouldnt expect you to have to ship the gun back to me at your cost/time I would have the FFL do it for you... JUST LIKE any other store I know of would have done but BPS dont want to deal with stuff like that so they point you to the manufacture...
  11. Grab you a Daiwa S rod, they are on close out at many stores and a great rod for the money.. you can get them for around 70 bucks if you look a little.. they are a decent stick all around and pretty sensitive and very strong so you wont be breaking them if you use a little care. that stick can not be beat at that price range.. I havent used one in years but back in the day I had 10 or so and made a many of dollars tourney fishing with them in fact back then they used to be called "The pros rod"... Still to this day they are a good value and will make anyone a VERY GOOD starter stick. I would get the 7'MH F worm/jig stick. They arent the lightest weight rods but other then that they are decent stick at there retail and a great deal at 70-80 bucks.
  12. Broke a guide frame on a 7.1 Compile X a while back and also a 6.3MH SVF had a guide insert come out, Called them and sent the rods to them without a sales slip along with a check for 25 dollars I believe it was, and within a 10 days had a rod tub in my hands with both brand new sticks... They are awesome and I have never had a problem with them, Back years ago I had a broken TD interline stick that was totally my fault it broke because I let someone use it and they high stick really bad and broke it so I say I broke it because I let them use it lol... Anyhow no problems and I didnt provide a sales slip and just paid shipping and bingo had a new stick waiting... Just call them and talk to them before you send it and let them know you dont have you ticket. I can assure that BPS WILL NOT do anything for you unless you had sales slip and it was within the return time frame and then you would be lucky if they helped you even if the rod was bought with a problem... They are jerks when it comes to the high dollar Daiwa stuff when it comes to replacements and wont do anything for you.
  13. Lmao Im a Daiwa only guy but I will tell you this I would have bought a bunch at that price and resold them lol!!!
  14. lol didnt see the reel part... in that case i would go with a h3ll i dont know lol
  15. hook size depending on lure size and the hook is a Owners wide gap plus model. sticky sharp hooks that are very high quality and a nice thick wire for heavy line and hard hook sets you never have to worry about opening those hooks up.
  16. bass fishing is number 1 far and wide for me.. but i do loveeeee a good dove field and busting quail!!! i also really love long range varmit shooting... its really fun setting up mu bench and misting a bunch of P/Dogs from 500 to 1200 meters.. cant beat the Night force 12-42X56BR setting on top a 30in Krieger extra heavy barrel 6.5MM-300RUM on a Nesika K action for the super long range duty or the .30-338 Lapua i built pretty much the same as the 6.5mm-300RUM cept shes built to handle the ULTRA ULTRA long range stuff pushing a NBT 125g at 4600FPS. just two of my babies both these guns wil shoot under 1/2MOA out to about 1200M they will shoot 1/4MOA out to 600M. Heres a pic of the .30-338 Lapua
  17. i have a bunch of HSTA's that are used for when i guide people i want them to have decent reels to use so i make sure i have 5 or 6 setups for them to use and all will be td-a hsta's and ive had them for a good while now and they get used hard by many people a year and stood up to it well... whats nice about them is they are just about a Zillion thats over 100 bucks cheaper and they will last a life time, they cast light and heavy baits alike they cast great even with novice users of casting reels and like i said stand up to abuse very well... all around they are a great deal for the price and imho a very palmable reel thats fairly comfortable to fish. im a Daiwa only kinda guy so i cant speak for the others.... the only non Daiwa reels i own are a couple ABU/ZPI AE74's setting in the display case lol.
  18. i have been using it for a good while now.. its a great line that i use for mainly top water, jerk baits and sometimes spinner baits and buzz baits... ive never had any sort of issue with it other then its a little stretchy for my likings but hey its mono what can one expect. use it and you will fall in love with it if you use it for anything a high quality mono would be in good use for.
  19. by far my fav pitching stick is my steez 7.1 compile x and for the really heavy stuff i will use one of my xbd frog sticks.. i know these are much more then you wanted to spend but can be had slightly used for around that. the compile x is a awesome stick i love them check on auction site if you would like one used ones in great shape come up on there from time to time and go for 300 to 400 bucks.
  20. depends on the lure you are fishing, some lures will twist line really bad and you need to use a swivel to prevent it... if you arent using a lure known to cause bad line twist.. if not that then check your line roller bearing and make sure its not froze up
  21. there isnt much to that, however i will say i expect a decent stick to be built how it should be built, even if there isnt much of if any performance gain. thats what happened when Shimano bought loomis.
  22. a few months ago my wife bought me a new Tag Grand caliper (im big on high end watches i loveeeeee them!!!!) and today about 15mins ago Fedex comes and i wasnt expecting anything so i was sure it was for her... she called me and said open up my box i wanna make sure it everything is in good shape and not broke.... i said ok baby and opened the box and it was a Megabas racing condition watch!! i was gonna buy me one a few months ago and it sold before i ordered it and i was like dang i wanted it bad but havent looked for one since and she bought it for me!!!! ill post some pics its sexy for sure lol.
  23. i agree and i love my limited daiwa stuff and my high end daiwas all around but i sure love my megabass and evergren sticks they sure are fun to look at and fish just as much as my reels!!! buy good reels and good sticks and dont worry about it! and you will then be PROUD to fish that rig.
  24. spend 20 bucks and get you a set of boca abec5s for the spool and side plate abec7s wont do you much better as that reel wont cast the super light stuff anyhow but if you wanted 7s they will run you 30 bucks about.
  25. 110% totally agree with you on this.
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