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  1. I have a quistion about bottom paint, i might be able to get some for free, but i may not now so i was wondering if this paint would be ok for my fiberglass semi-v http://cgi.ebay.com/Interlux-Bottomkote-Antifouling-Bottom-Paint-Blue-Quart_W0QQitemZ7237398652QQcategoryZ15272QQssPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Please respond son i want to order and get this thing in the water
  2. Yeah your right ill forget about the plywood but you think you could help me out with this http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1145239550
  3. Thats cool, hope to share pics of the final project
  4. I was thinking that but when the caroet gets all gross, and moldy and smelly, and i want to replace it when i rip it off ill have all the glue stuck on the seat, and i was thinking with the plyewood i aould just redo the carpet on the plye wood and avoid the mess of the glue
  5. Also it is fibberglass, and if your wondering waht the maxium weight for the boat is, i have no idea becsaue it does not have the riveted plat on it.... heres another pic
  6. Hi, I am woundering if it would be posible to put a casting platform between the front, and middle seat of my 12ft, 1970's sears gamefisher semi-v boat, i got this boat free from my aunts, boyfriends boss, i had to patch it up with fibberglass repair stuff, and i have been painting the inside the past two days, and will be getting free botom paint soon also, this is the boat if the picture works, ill have a few post becasue i dont know how to put muiltiple pics in.
  7. Im not making a platform, i was only going to put swivle seats ontop of my benches and i wantes to carpet underneath the seats and i was woundering how to do this. i just painted the insid so it does not look that bad now
  8. Thanks for the suggestions, how thick should the wood be, and what type, also how long should the screws be?
  9. Hey, I" am going to be putting in carpet and seats into my 12 ft. fiberglass semi v shap boat, and i was woundering how you think i should put them in i was thinking to get some wood and stapple the carpet on the wood but how should i atach the wood to the fibergass seat
  10. Hey everone thats for your ideas, how expenise is rhino lining? Thanks
  11. and it is a fiberglass boat
  12. I am going to be painting the inside of my boat, and i was wonder what kind of paint i should us for it, thankyou
  13. Nice job i realy like the way you kept the vintage paint job also
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