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Everything posted by Gotfishyfingers?

  1. Fish extremely slow. Try dead sticking a senko..What are you flipping, skirt or no skirt? What colors you using? Look for submerged grass in deeper water, if you haven't found any yet..
  2. Palm beach county is the closest area to you that holds Peacocks. Although I've heard reports of them in the southern end of Naples..That being said, Light tackle and a suspending jerkbait, worked erratic, should do the trick..
  3. X2, I've noticed they seem to be heavier than other brands.. Also, Ebay has stick baits in bulk 100+...
  4. Frog Life!
  5. WTG!!!! Kool-Aid, of course!!
  6. Florida introduction In 1984, after 10 years of study, Florida officials deliberately introduced butterfly peacock bass and speckled peacock bass to the southern region of that state[11] to prey on other non-native species, including the oscar.. **Because of their tropical origins, peacock bass cannot tolerate low water temperatures. This has prevented them from becoming abundant in Florida outside of Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade counties.**
  7. Nice report. Okeechobee don't play when the wind is blowing and the waves pick up...Glad nothing went wrong..
  8. typically at least 1 yr. warranty. What brand is it? Some batteries say the duration of warranty right on it.
  9. Is the battery still under warranty? There should be a sticker on it that says the month and year purchased. If so, return it for a new one.
  10. Nice report and cool pics! What did you catch the big mama on? Sorry about them Vulture birds.. I've heard horror stories about them before. When go out there, I tie plastic grocery bags to my trucks luggage rack to create movement. They yet to attack my truck but not sure if the bags are whats doing it..
  11. Welcome to the forum and S. FL.. The best advice truly is to get friendly with google maps. S.FL is a mecca for bank fishing. The water systems around here are referred to as "canals" around here.They connect to one another via underground pipes. So , if you see a pond or small lake close to a canal, chances are their connected and hold the same fish. As a reference to the further west you go to better the quality fishing there is. For example I wouldn't look for spots eat of 441/ i-95. If you look on google maps the cities, basically anywhere in Coral springs, Plantation,Davie and Weston would be a good place to wet a line. On a side note, if you want to learn techniques on bass fishing in general there is a ton of great info on here to.
  12. FYI; Bass pro likes to "reset" your points back to zero, if you don't use them frequently. If it happens, just go up to the front desk and they will update your account..
  13. Thanks for the report.I wonder if the flats are producing. Usually when the water level is that high out there, the trails (down south) that lead to the flats have water flowing out of them. They stack up at the entrances big time. Lake O is also up to over 16ft to.. I cant wait til the spawn is in full effect Haven't had a quality fish/day in a while.
  14. Sweet boat!! Much better choose then the Tracker, imo..
  15. Nice report...When I looked at the weather report and saw Monday had low winds, I was wanting to get out there so bad since the wind has been Gail forces lately.. lol
  16. I've fished them before but not this year. Not sure if you know but Saturday weigh-ins are held at Bass pro not the boat ramp. It's also the top 12 out of 200 boats. If you can swing by there on Thurs or Friday to see more of the action at lake-side I would suggest that. If your curious which pros will be fishing the tournament, check out the roster list on bassmaster's website.
  17. Check out the Cabela's gore-tex suits. There on sale right now for like 1/2 off..
  18. The neighborhoods in Orlando are much friendlier for fishing than in Boca. lol
  19. Wow, those fish look like they have a Thyroid problem!! lmao Nice catch!!
  20. Bocabasser, your always on fish!!! lol
  21. Glad you caught fish. Thanks for the report...
  22. Wow, nice P's!!!!
  23. Nice Fish! Love those explosive next to the boat bites...
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