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Everything posted by Gotfishyfingers?

  1. Sad story indeed... When your headed west of u.s 27 out there, on the right are power poles/lines. Im pretty sure that is the area the incident occurred. People are constantly in that area shooting. I too have been out there and heard rounds going off. The last time I was there a few months ago, I headed west of the ramp because i saw people target practicing out there... Pretty unnerving to say the least.
  2. Nice report. Were there any signs saying the ramps were closed? Sun-Sentinel had a report the glades are hot, off MM 41, using big snakes. I slide down a boat ramp recently too . I was at Markam park helping a friend with his boat motor. He's new to boating and I said to him, watch it, it can be slippery. Shortly there after I'm surfing down the ramp, right in to the drink... I did some urban fishing in Tamarac, with some family yesterday. I was surprised how much action we were getting. Watermelon stick bait was key. Fished from 6:00 til dark. At least 15, all under 1.5 lbs
  3. All the canals in the surrounding area hold bass as well as other fish. A simple texas-rigged bait should do the trick. blk/blue, purple, watermelon are all good colors. I wouldn't use unpainted bullets weights though. more bites with black. Also a little black and white rapala should get you some bites too..
  4. Congrats!! Looks nice!
  5. return policy is A+, even without receipt...
  6. WTG!!! By the looks of the white bellies on those fish, they've been deep for a while... Just curious, how deep were you fishing?
  7. I went out to the alley this a.m. Went to the first boat ramp,think it's mm 31.5. Only had one bite on a devils horse. fished for a few hrs. dodged a couple storms. The water level is ridiculous. The lily pads that were on the surface are now a few ft down easily.. The mosquitoes were out in full force,even with bug spray..
  8. WTG BCline on your PB!! Stick baits should get you some quality bites. You should consider throwing soft plastic frogs (horny toads) at sunrise/sunset. Monster bass love them!! Just be sure to wait a couple seconds after the initial strike to set the hook. Just curious, what city did you catch that snake head in? Wondering if there spreading..
  9. What city will you be staying in?
  10. Nice report! I agree about being in a kayak/canoe out there, not me.. I think last season I might of encountered the same gator in that area. Extremely territorial. I even moved down the canal a good 1/2 mile and it still continued to follow.. Crazy...
  11. Thanks for sharing! What color u-vibe? Were you swimming or dragging it? How was the water level out there too?
  12. Maybe next time , don't take a picture of him holding your fish? problem solved....
  13. Nice report Geo! Thanks for sharing.
  14. Nice catch! At least you don't have to worry about gators.
  15. Nice catches fellas!! Holiday park/Everglades there is plenty of space for everyone. Almost seems endless lol.. Although at times it seems if one person see's a boat fishing they will stop in the area,thinking it must be fishy. Then another boats comes by and sees 2 boats fishing etc.. lol The park was closed yesterday due to the fires/smoke out there..
  16. Guess who forgot to fill out their bracket in time..... I can't believe it... There goes my season...
  17. Yes, there is a fee to be a marshal.
  18. 1. Faircloth 2. Martens 3. Hite 4. Ehrler 5. Hamilton
  19. Cool pic! Future angler in the making!
  20. Your always on fish!! Good luck on the tournament!
  21. Try throwing lures for peacocks.. they like a lot of erratic action as well as bright colors. Suspending jerk baits work great. Just about anything, soft plastics, topwater, divers etc, will catch large mouth around here too. Also try using live bait for peacocks.
  22. Wow, I didn't the lake has dropped that much recently.. Glad no damage to you boat running aground! The trick Geo recommended works great on that lake too. It can get pretty tricky, getting on plane in certain areas from being shallow.
  23. Sounds like a good times! I'm sure the kids will be talking about meeting Scott M for a long time. btw, I don't think lake Apopka is part of the Harris chain system.
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