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About "BRB"

  • Birthday 03/12/1985

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    North central Arkansas
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Bull shoals
  • Other Interests
    Buying more fishing stuff

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  • About Me
    My name is Brad. I'm from north central Arkansas. I have fish all my life mainly creek and pounds. Right out of high school join the marines did a tour in Iraq. When I got out got my first boat. I have been hooked ever since. I'm just getting into tournament fishing and got a lot work to get better. Biggest problem I got now is I work for the railroad and doesn't leave me a lot of time to fish and I got to mark off sick for tournament But on the other hand I wouldn't be able to afford it if I didn't. I really like this site I already learned from it and looking forward to learn more.

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Short Fish (4/9)



  1. I'm steal stabbing at it. Last week went lake fork and didn't catch anything over 3lbs. This week I'm at lake Sam Rayburn. Got a fat 4'9" but still shy! My buddy tho caught a 5'5" bass! I'm in the pic with the little girls. Those are his daughters. I try and come down here once a year. Still have a great time. But want a giant bass so bad it hurts!
  2. 2003-2007 Marines 0311 Iraq war veteran
  3. Yes, in the main river there are buoys marking the running lines and the creek that runs up to piney is deep really nothing to worry about.
  4. I fotgot to mention on lake toho I was on a guided trip! And one of the times on fork I was a with bass elite Terry scroggins!! Both of those times it was really bad conditions! But dang what do I need!?! I have made the jig my confidence bait over this year. I hardly ever pull out the spinning rod! I have read all kinds of articles on here and other sites. I feel like I'm doing the right things just not time yet I guess! Thinks for the encouraging words. I'm not giving up just venting a little. here a pic of a 3+lber I caught on the jig on bull shoals the other day
  5. I am on a big fish slump like no other! What I call a big fish is over 5 lbs. It was march of 2014 since the last time I caught one over 5! It's not like I don't fish a lot. I live less than 20 mins from bull shoals lake AR. This year I went to lake Toho FL in march then lake fork to in march then back to lake fork in late April and lake Sam Rayburn!!! All known for big bass and the best I could come up with is a 4'11" and a 4'7" out of Rayburn. As you can tell I tried really hard this spring because they say that's your best opportunity. I have tried to just quit thinking about it and fish. I have tried the big lures = big bass! I used a 9 inch swim bait. And caught 14 inch bass lol. I can catch good fish between 3 and 4 lbs. I don't know it's really getting to me! I keep thinking one day I'm going catch an absolute giant and it will come easy after that lol. But getting really discouraged. Seeing if anyone here ever went thew the same thing? The pic are from the Rayburn bass. They was real skinny post spawn bass
  6. Check out the bfl's. You don't need a boat or know anyone with a boat. You sign up and get paired with a random boater. I fished it as a co-angler for 2 years and really liked it. I personally never had a bad boater. There was times we didn't catch anything but that is just fishing. I believe entry fees are $110 as co-angler. They have 5 qualifying tournaments. 4 one dayers and one super Tourny where the top 20% fishes the second day. Then top 50 in over all point makes regionals. Where you could win a boat. The top 6 form regionals makes the American. But I really like it. It give you a chance fish new water.with different people and learn new and different techniques. You should check it out.
  7. Also I would like to say your welcome and most importantly thinks for the support. Not everyone supports us and our faimly and its good to here from those do.
  8. USMC 2003-2007
  9. "Another change that many pros have long desired has also been implemented. In 2015, co-anglers will only compete on the first two days of each FLW Tour qualifier and the Forrest Wood Cup. Then, starting in 2016, the Forrest Wood Cup will be a pro-only event." This is from the article you posted.it just says the Forrest wood Cup will be pro-only in 2016. Does not say the tour. I really wanted to fish the tour as a co-angler. I guess it might have to be next year. If your right.
  10. If I read it right only in the FWC there will be no co-angler right?
  11. I read an article on BASS website about it. They said this was his first classic he missed since 1990! And wrost he ever done in the points. His second wrist was 26th and was in the top ten every time other then those two. That guy can flat out find and catch fish like no one else. I feel for the other guy on tour next year. He probably going come out swinging.
  12. I fis it every now and then. Sorry to tell you but there is no grass pads or any type of vegetation on it. It is a deep clear lake. This time of year it can be really tough. But there should be a top water bit early. I like walking baits like the spook. There are are a bunch of fish in that lake. All three types of bass. Largemouth, small mouth , and spots. Good luck
  13. Just picked it up last week. 2009 ranger Z20. I love this boat. Its a big upgrade.
  14. I forgot my tackle bag ounces. Wasn't that big of a deal beacuase I was fishing with a buddy and he just let me us some of his stuff. The big one was the key to my boat!. I still fished with just the trolling motor and didn't leave the ramp area. Don't have to worry about that now I own a Ranger!
  15. My fishing buddy been trying to talk me in to getting a bigger boat. Don't get me wrong I would loved to have one. But I started bragging on mine. In the almost 5 years of owning it. It has never let me down and had never had to take it to the shop for anything more than regular maintenance. On the same day of bragging on it an alarm went off. Taking it to the shop on Wednesday and hope its just something simple.
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