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slaynbass365 last won the day on March 24 2012

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  1. Kevin, I have a RH retrieve Pinnacle baitcaster on a 7' BPS rod that you can try out and see how you like it. Seems like we run into each other a bit so i'll throw it in the car next time I head out. You can give it a shot, birdnest the hell out of it a few times and see if you like it. PM me your number actually, maybe we can arrange a time to meet up.
  2. The one off of 85 or the one off of 26? If its not a round one, or one of the plastic low profiles...def something i'd be into for $100. lol very good question with a very simple answer. Do what feels right. I am right handed and use a RH retrieve, personally. I've seen people do the opposite, its just whatever youre comfortable with.
  3. I've always been in love with my Curado reels. 200e5 and 200e7, I prefer the e5 for crankbaits. Not sure if those models are available anymore since they've released the Chronarch line, but there are still Curado reels to be found. You'll probably look at the price tag and move along like I did at first, but any of the higher end baitcasters are worth it imo.
  4. I think a few of us do. That's what I use primarily, I know Brian (BrianinMD) and Sean (Basser89) use them also. I have my spinning gear, but I rarely use them. I have a few baitcasters in different ratios, but they all work the same pretty much. Few different ways to cast, but i've learned that practice is key. Even if its in your back yard (Which i did for a few days when I got my first baitcaster).
  5. Nice! I'm planning on heading out there on Saturday if all goes smoothly...
  6. Anyone hitting up BH today? I'm very strongly considering heading out there in a few hours...
  7. Kevin, Scroll to the top of the page. You'll see your username next to the inbox and notification buttons. Click your username and a dropdown menu should appear. Click on "Settings". When the Settings page loads, there is a menu on the left of your screen with "Signature" listed in it. Click that, and you'll be good. Hope this helps.
  8. ^^That was a first for me lol. Figured a jig and braid would do the trick, that braid will pull logs out of the water! Yeah, I didnt make it out today either. I have a free day friday and saturday also, and will be hitting BH at some point.
  9. Ken, there's always a spot in my passenger seat if you want it lol I may be heading out tonight for an hour or so. Havent decided yet.
  10. Anybody have any thoughts on the spring meet and greet that was talked about last year? Only a few of us made it out last year, but had talked about doing another in the spring for those who were not able to make it.
  11. Too bad I wasnt there with 65lb braid this time haha Very nice fish Bill!
  12. Hey Kevin, Good to see you on here. Saw you out with your son (I believe) the other day, at BH. Will probably run into you again here soon too... Nick
  13. Gonna hit some ponds tomorrow and see if I cant get a few bites. I miss the feeling, even of the little fighters.
  14. Sean, if you ever wanna make a trip out to Pepco....give me a shout. I'm right on 28 about 10 minutes away, if that.
  15. Hope everyone had a happy holiday, and has a safe new year...
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