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Everything posted by ShadeyBass

  1. so i just purchased this real and i was wondering if any one has used this one or even one made from the company? are they good ? just looking for a new caster to to use for a little bit thanks. Reel Specs 100HA/100SHBearings: 6BB,1RB Line Cap: 12/150, 14/125
  2. sounds good to me
  3. So I got my first live target frog yesterday got the bronze one with white belly. i love it even thou i only caught one bass with it lol. i live in west palm beach . does any one have one of these frogs or even a kopper frog and what color do you think works the best cause ima buy like 3 more colors just need some opinions. thanks
  4. any one else in the west palm to royal palm to okeechobee area notice weeds or lily pads dieing in good numbers not just one or two? was something put in the water? i was fishing like a month ago and was fishing a lake full of lily pads now i noticed them floating to the top and dead weird. just wondering if any one else noticed it?
  5. i have a nasty frog i throw in the thickest weeds and lily pads i super glued a rattler tube on the hook inside the frog and i have seen better reaction out of bass than i did before so give it a shot
  6. i have a z-man its neon green with yellow cause most of the bass i catch love the color green and yellow but im up for some changes so ill take some of the ideas you guys threw at me and see how it goes. and the videos i will watch to. thanks
  7. but okeeheelee park sucks right now used to be good i caught 2 dinks at the ski part of the lake i used to catch a ton of fish in there not any more
  8. any one ever use a chatter bait before any tips? i bought one works pretty good when i throw a few times but nothing really hitting it. was it worth buying? Just seeing if any one really fishes with them.
  9. yea try it out pulled a few nice ones out of there today.
  10. yea i think they need to restock it i used to catch alot out there when i was little now i catch one or two not even
  11. ima try to hit the spill way on sunday. lots of people been catching a lot out there using top water so ima hit it up
  12. so did you catch anything?
  13. yea crappy shakespeare. its all good gunna give her one of my g loomis poles. but i am going to call them in the morning its only a month old
  14. So i got my new frog lures in and wanted to go try them out at my local lake. I knew it held some big large mouth bass in it so i figured id give it a couple throws. by my third cast a giant bass had taken my frog. the pole snap right in the middle. my cirrus graphite pole is now history as for the fish, i got him in and here he is. bad news i owe my wife a new pole... lol
  15. thank you everyone =)
  16. it was nice yesterday
  17. I fish this spot alot. I catch any where from 1-2 to 4-5lb bass. its easy to get to take royal palm blvd north till it turns into orange, then you will turn onto 120th ave n. go till you hit the second speed bump and fish every thing on the right it a big lake with lots of openings and tons of lilly pads. topwater baits such as spooks or frogs work the best. try it out if your in the area they hit the most on a free weight worm, one that it usually brown with a green tip to it. hope that helps any one out in that area. im going to try the spot next to bank atlantic on okeechobee road and sansbury . let you guys know if i get any thing.
  18. So i got my new frog lure in and was so excited i went to okeeheelee park. I fished behind the BMX track and caught one bass (ugh) wind started to pick up bad lightining was getting worst d**n stormy weather. not that im complaining. just wish i could have at least caught one big one before i left. i dont really have much there thou. but just another nasty day in west palm....
  19. Hi my name is Kevin. ive been fishing for ever. i love salt water fishing, but i love to bass fish every single day. If i could just fish and get paid to fish all day i would. any way i fish all over from the wellington area to greenacres to royal palm even. so ill throw out some good spots if i run into any of them. i love to use frogs as my lure of choice as well as spooks and worms. any way how to see you guys and girls around the forums =)
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