I regularly fish a few highly pressured pond, while the water is dirtier in one and gin clear in another and my experience has taught me this: in the murkier colored pond, you can throw just about anything "normal"...spinner, crank,topwater, worms etc and never catch a thing. Try something completly crazy and unorthodoxed and I will catch fish all day. Some examples: a spot remover stand up jig head with a blue beaver type bait, or same jig head with a red yum doozee (its like a tube, but slimmer and like 6" long. You rig these up and you think theres no way.... But sometimes it can be the ticket, something they have NEVER sen before. As for clear water, ive had the best success at night. Nobody really fishes at night at this pond but me but if u must during the day, the above posters are spot on. Small finissse worms with little or no weight is hard to beat. Just my 2 cents.