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Everything posted by bassingranny

  1. hey it must be nice to have any job at all,,, an a government job,, girl friend you cant get much better than that,,,, i in construction business an belive me i cant afford to paddle my kayak around,,,, ha ha ha an i am single so i dont have the built in partner you got,,,enjoy it dont complain,,,,, most of us cant even afford the entry fees much less a d**n boat,,,, but this is diff between the rich an poor,,,, you complain about stuff that is so far out of my range it is not funny,,,, i guess this goes to show the old adage that women are never happy,,,??? an as far as no one on this form,,, ha ha ha us women got ten times the chores an stuff that needs done than men do,,, go do the dishes for her an maybe shell have time to chat it up on here,,,ha hahaha
  2. hey grey wolf,,this is bassingranny,, i just found this website so i will chat all day with you as long as i not fishing,,, hey i tried to join a male fish club here in larencburg Ind an they voted to not let me or women in well i talked to people who work at bass pro shops an they cant belive this,,also i talked to reps from flw an they cant belive this,,but if you give em the chance to vote on it 9 times out of 10 the men vote to not let us in,,, ?? you know if they dont want me in i d**n sure dont want to be in with them,,,, i am sure they just affraid of a woman out fishing them,,, this is reason i think most men try to keep us out of thier sports,,,, but hey it ok with me i will just join a womans club an they dont know what they missing out on ha ha ah ha
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