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Everything posted by lfunk11

  1. kids didn't want to go fishing so headed back to the "spot". 6 fish in 1.5 hours, but I was able to catch a few on other parts of the lake and I was happy about that. Decided to keep one to see if I liked the taste or not. Fried it up with some tempura batter, it was pretty good. I suck at trying to filet a fish though. I am getting confused though and still a beginner. Is this a smallmouth or largemouth? I was thinking smallmouth, but now I am not sure?
  2. I have tried all kinds of different things and caught 2 bass with them. I then switched to super flukes and caught 20 bass in less time. It might be that I do not know how to fish the other things, but the super flukes have worked so well for me that I see no reason to try anything else until I stop catching fish. I also went on Bas Pro Shops website and was blown away by the massive amounts of positive reviews for those. They can be rigged to be weedless as well.
  3. does the rough water affect the bass? I am a bank firsherman and on the weekends the water at the big lake gets rough along the banks where I fish. I would assume they are used to it and not really affected, but I have no clue.
  4. only caught one last night in about an hour of fishing. The water was like glass and there wasn't any wind. The previous day the wind was blowing slightly into this area and I thought I read somewhere that bass line up downwind hoping for baitfish/etc to be driven in their direction? Going to take the kids to the big lake tonight. Its fun, but I am tying knots and removing fish more than actually fishing. They are 4 and 6.
  5. all good thoughts. I like the idea of chucking cherry bombs where they are - at least they might get their load of fish
  6. caught 3 my last trip there. I was excited since it was the weekend and I got there almost an hour earlier than normal, but I could not get a bite until it started to get dark. The bite was off a bit the whole time though. I think the weather changed it up a bit since it was cooler with a light rain off and on. There is one hole that I can't cast to along the bank and its difficult to walk to when the ground is wet so I was able to cast to it from up a hill to just see if my thoughts were right that there would be something there. Sure enough as soon as the fluke hit the water a fish hit it. It ran right into cover though and I could not walk to a spot on the bank to try and coax it out. Eventually the fish came unhooked and I lost it. I will try to walk to that spot the next time its more dry. It seemed like a larger fish than normal. The fish are all still around the same size and I have not had any luck tyring to cast out into the lake. Only along the grass on the banks one in one general areas of the lake. I have to go and buy another bag of super flukes though. They have been all pretty much destroyed by the fish I think I am catching a mixture of smallmouth and largemouth bass, but I am not 100% sure since I am still new at this and fishing alone. The only way I know how to tell is where the corner of the mouth lines up to the eye or past it. Any other way? I have released all the fish thus far, but I still want to try cooking one to see how it tastes. Not sure if I ever had bass before, but I haven't heard too many people saying great things about the taste. I have some pics to post once I get a chance - its a nice little lake.
  7. if they asked I would have helped, but I was literally casting withing a foot of the grass to catch the fish. I am still new to all of this, but it was a hard cast. If I got it 3-4' out from that then no bite and any closer I was dragging it out of the grass.
  8. people just annoy me sometimes If I am with my family and there is one other guy fishing at a lake I am not going to run over to where he was the minute he leaves to do something.
  9. I was fishing from the bank tonight and was catching a decent number of bass casting right along the grass along the shore. There was a family fishing with a mom, dad, two kids, and a grandpa. They looked to be fishing for panfish with bobbers. Well the kids kept telling their dad everytime I caught a fish and I am not sure if he was trying to fish for things other than panfish, but they were not catching anything. One bass I caught had the hook down deep a little bit and I left my pliers at my truck that was parked down by the boat launch. Mind you this is in clear view of where they were fishing since its a small lake. I started to walk back to the truck thinking that they might try to come over to where I was, but thought they wouldn't do that. I got back to my truck and turn around and sure enough they were all walking over to where I was and throwing out their bobbers. I got the fish back in the water and walked back that way, but decided not to say anything and fished near them, but couldn't fish where I was without casing at/over them. So do I say something in the future? I did leave where I was, but there was myself and this family at the lake. That was it. Kind of irked me a bit.
  10. caught 10 tonight There were some people where I wanted to be when I got there so I had to mess around a bit until they left, but I was able to cast to my "spot" from a different part of the bank. I caught some fish casting left of the fishing platform as well tonight when I usually only catch them to the right. I also caught some bigger ones in the 3-4lb range at least. The camera batteries were dead though I think a few of them were smallmouth bass, but as it got dark it was hard to tell. The last one was the biggest, but the line snapped when I tried to get it up over the railing of the fishing platform It was 14lb test too.
  11. The lake has a small fishing platform so its not really a secret spot. I just don't think many people fish here and I seem to only catch fish if I cast right to the edge of the grass along the shore and only to the right of the platform. I guess I will fish it until i strike out - its been fun . I swear I must be catching the same fish every single time since they are all basically the same size. If anyone lives near Morgantown, WV I would be happy to share where I am talking about.
  12. I am still learning, but after striking out for a long time this summer I finally found a spot where I am catching bass. Now it may just be the time of the day (dusk) and the weather (a bit cooler), but the last two nights I have caught 3 bass both times in about 30-40 minutes of fishing. I had a few more that lost the hook as well. These are all small bass (~2lbs), but it still made for a nice two nights. So what do more experienced fishermen do? Do you just keep fishing the same spot until it stops producing bass? I am not looking for massive bass at this point since I am just happy to catch them regardless of the size. I found this spot on the lake a few minutes from my house and if I cast a super fluke right along the grass along this one section of the shore I can catch a bass every few casts. The lake is pretty small and somewhat isolated, but its nice since 90% of the time I am the only one there and I take a back road that is rarely used to get there in about 5 minutes. I am using zoom super flukes for the first time so that might be the trick? Not sure if I should try other lakes or just stick to what works. Do you have a go to spot where you always catch something, but still choose something different?
  13. I used to fish some when I was a kid, but nothing more than throwing out some bait hoping to catch something. Well three years ago, we went to the beach for a family vacation and I rented a surf rod for the week. I had a great time and caught a decent amount of fish even though I had no idea what I was doing. The next year I bought my own surf rod and this year I really spent some time learning how to surf fish before I went. After we got back, I was a bit sad since I really enjoyed the fishing, but being at the beach for one week a year makes it hard to get good at it. I then decided to learn how to fish in the local lakes/ponds around my house. I always thought it was boring since I only caught panfish before and never knew how to catch anything larger. So I went out and bought a decent rod and reel and got to work. Its been about a month now and I have really put the time in when I can, but it has been slow going. I only had one largemouth bass on and it fell off as I was getting it out of the water. I caught one smallmouth and one catfish plus a few panfish. I was reading everything I could, but I had no idea where to fish on the local lakes and ponds. I wasn't even sure if some of the ponds I went to even had bass! lol So after reading and watching a bunch of videos of different techniques plus a decent amount of money spent on lures and plastics I finally had success last night. After the kids went to bed, I went down the street to a local lake that is somewhat remote and I am usually the only one there. I was using zoom super flukes and hooked 4 bass in 45 minutes and landed 3 of them. I was really excited and the only thing that stopped me was it got dark. I worry a bit about the snakes and bears around this lake so I called it a night, but all this reading finally paid off. They were all small fish, but at least I was finally catching bass and the certified I finally had some clue as to what I was doing. I am in my 30's and currently live in Morgantown, WV. I do not have a boat so I bank fish at Cheat Lake, the Trout Pond, and the two ponds at Chestnut Ridge Park. I caught this one and a few others a the Trout Pond in Coopers Rock park last night.
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