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Everything posted by rollcenter

  1. <br /><br /><br />Now those leftovers are a STRONG option!! Leaving tomorrow from Here in KY towards Panama City to spend a week or so with the family, hopefully I can take a look at a few boats while on vacation! Shoot, may even wet a line while at the beach!! Thanks for your advice!
  2. South Fla.Growing up and Being involved in the building of racing engines for over 20 has taught me one thing besides being mechanically inclined...NEVER trust anyone selling something used.If they are selling it, THEY don't like it for some reason, what that reason ACTUALLY is,,,, now thats whats tough to find out.A used engine.Who's to say it was broke in properly?Who's to say it has been treated "kindly"?Was the proper oil used at each fill up?Was all the services properly done?A new boat is no different than anything else new, the possibility of issues may/will arise, I just want to be the FIRST and ONLY owner of that particular boat to experience them.I appreciate your input, but I will NOT be buying used boat, PERIOD...I have requested info from Bass CAT, I do like the reviews these boats have.
  3. Going to shop around until mid winter, no hurry to impulse buy.Used is out of the question. To many possible issues.
  4. In the market for a NEW bass boat. Would like to buy one in the Range of $30,000 to $35,000 fully rigged. I live in a rural area, no boat dealers close, so would like some good advice before making the drive. Only one I have looked at is the Nitro's Anything close to price of say a Z-8? I "think" I would prefer a 4-stroke, I am aware of the added cost and weight and all out blazing speed is also not a concearn!
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