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  1. I actually just picked up a citica from bps yesterday for the medium daiwa I have and plan on getting the curado for the heavy. Thanks for all the replies. I also lucked out as my grandfather gave me his tackle box which has a ton of lures in it. I was dreading buying them especially after seeing some of the prices on them at bps.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions. Both the rods are casting. However I am wanting to keep the cost for reels in the 50 dollar range. I am good with buying used if it means I can spend less and get more.
  3. Thanks glad to be here. I am learning a ton reading the boards.
  4. So I have searched the forum but haven't had much luck finding what I am looking for. It seems rod and reel setups are so specific that trying to find info is pretty tough. So I am wanting to get back into fishing after spending some time in the Marine Corps. Yesterday I picked up two daiwa rods off of craigslist and am trying to figure out what the best reels would be to pair with each rod. Money is tight now and I stil need to build a tackle box (as my granfather gave my stuff to my cousin while i was in the marines) so I am wanting to keep the costs down. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Rod 1 Daiwa TDTR 661HFB Rod 3 Daiwa PRD 661MRB I am mainly looking to fish for Bass, Crappie, and any other local sport fish. I can also say that my wife will probably be using the PRD when we decide to drown some worms and try to catch some blue gill. Thanks Joe
  5. Oh for the other cincinnati guys I live in Loveland and am walking distance to the little Miami river. Anyone ever have any luck there?
  6. Hey everyone, My name is Joe and I live in Cincinnati. I am happy to have found this forum as I am truly a newbie. I am wanting to start fishing again and am looking forward to all the info available here. I recently picked up a few daiwa rods (a tdtr 661 hfb and a prd 661 mrb) that I am wanting to find out what kind of reels to get. I look forward to learning alot, getting to know everyone and hopefully someday catching some nice fish. My experience consists of fishing with my grandpa where we would go on yearly trips to dale hollow Tennessee, lake Cumberland, and ceasera creek. I never was able to catch anything worth mentioning and by the last day we ended up getting some worms and going for blue gill. Joe
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