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North Ga Hillbilly

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Everything posted by North Ga Hillbilly

  1. Thanks, I appreciate it.
  2. I've never delt with a MS Slammer, tho it is based off of one, so I cant tell you about it directly. But it is 1" diameter, right at 6.5" overall. I didnt put a tail on it, not too sure how to make one decently. All works in progress, well see how the next ones go. NGaHB
  3. Largest bass so far on the mouse. No hook ups on the other, plenty of blow ups, but no solid hook ups yet. NGaHB
  4. It really depends where and on what, but I usually take a few green pumpkin and junebug senko style lures with me, not matter what i'm fishing. Just incase I need some confidence, even a bite can give that sometimes. I try and commit to a certin bait tho and make sure to get my fish on it. That being said I went 6-0 earlier this year, pretty long outings too, I'v never been happier with a short fish in my life than after that! NGaHB
  5. wicked cranks, I dont throw cranks much, but if they looked that mean Id throw a few! NGaHB
  6. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/92844-best-bass-fishing-books/page__p__1034717__fromsearch__1#entry1034717 Alot of good opinions in there NGaHB
  7. It's great to hear from the source on this one. I appreciate you clearing things up, and look forward to seeing what all yall produce. -NGaHB
  8. Hell of a good deal! Which Cabela's did you go to? I dont know the closest to ATL. -NGaHB
  9. It caught its first one without the tail, after the fish pulled it off. The tail does really snake around tho, so I like it. Its a floating worm, does real well. Yes sir, they are. Poplar dowels, 1". NGaHB
  10. I got a chance to get into the shop and try my hand at making some swimbaits. Managed to get some pretty good results. The rat has done really well, managed to pull in quite a few, but the pond dosent have any fish over a pound and a half, so I didnt put much time into the MS Slammer style one, but i am really happy with its swimming action. Not as good of a finish on the rat, but it'll do for a first go round. Rat will dive up to 3 feet, swims well under water as well as on top. Really looks cool shooting through grass in the shallows. NGaHB
  11. Had a pretty good day today, caught quite a few through out the day. I got the chance to fish a new body of water, and caught a real pretty Shoal, followed up by a really fat LM, back to back. I wish I had a picture to show how fat the LM was, 16" long and 13" around, no monster but a serious football. But what was cool was how both of these fish are poster children for what a _____ bass should look like. Really cool to pull them both in. As well all know, white belly, green lateral line, mouth extends past the eye Obvious difference in color, but notice the body as well as mouth. NGaHB PS-The Shoal fought twice as hard as the LM
  12. If I remember right, she caught it, weighed it, put it on ice, then the next day got it certified, a bass tha big would loose a pound or two from water weight after kickin the bucket, I think it could have been a FL record... All of this is coming from memory. forgive me if im off. NGaHB
  13. Let us know how they are NGaHB
  14. I'm not really too sure on the yardage, I'll have to go try it out here soon. I have a really short pole, right under 5', that I use for really tight spaces, and then a 7' for general stuff. I am getting a 10' for float and fly here soon, that will double as a pan fish rod from time to time, looking forward to that. Hope that helps, hopefully some more folks will chime in, I'm far from an expert. NGaHB
  15. Thanks for all the information guys. I rarely get the chance to do much dropshotting, but Ill keep all the info filed away for when I can. NGaHB
  16. http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/clt/2630143046.html Pretty intresting NGaHB
  17. A nice spinning reel and appropriate rod will allow you to cast extremely light lures much more comfortably than a BC setup. Can someone cast 1/16oz with a BC, im sure they can, but I sure as hell cant and I dont know anyone that can. I personally fish 10# braid with a leader, but I'm a big braid fan boy, so im sure plenty of people will disagree. ** If I know you and you can, I apologize for underrating your skills.
  18. Itd be a high class cat tamer. I would stick with Ugly Sticks for cats, or some other such rod thats made to give if you hook up with a big un. Reason I say that is because you never know if its going to be a 6# or a 40# when cat fishin. But, I cant say it wouldn't do a good job, just not what I'd look for in a cat rod. NGaHB EDIT: a soft tip will allow a cat to set those circle hooks, I dont think these rods would allow for that, but I could be wrong.
  19. I actually got my first Kistler from them alittle over a year ago. They were real solid people to deal with then. -NGaHB
  20. http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=739157&destination=/catalog/product.jsp%3FparentCategoryId%3D109826280%26categoryId%3D109827180%26productId%3D744682%26type%3Dproduct%26WTz_l%3DSBC%253Bcat104793480%253Bcat109826280%253Bcat109827180&WTz_l=YMAL;IK-320652 I havent done too much dropshotting, but what little I have done Ive had a hard time getting the hook to stay at the right angle, thought these were interesting and would fix the problem. NGaHB
  21. A guy locally is selling this reel, along with some massive tackle bags. Any info from Pinnacle? Thanks NGaHB
  22. A more sensitive rod will defiantly help you detect those soft taps, I was blown away moving to a high quality rod, after that I would suggest looking into braid. I use braid for all my texas rigged worms, and although Im sure i miss some due to them being scared off by seeing the braid, I can defiantly feel the bite as well as set the hook solidly. NGaHB
  23. http://www.tacklereviewer.com/previews/the-vixen-is-back-via-paycheck-baits-repo-man NGaHB
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