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Brian Needham

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Everything posted by Brian Needham

  1. exactly, if you are throwing 1/4 to 3/8 + plastic you will want a 4 power IMO. the 7'4 platform on the dobyns is great. I love the extra length. it helps with hooksets and playing the fish, plus you get a little extra "umpf" in your cast for distance. enjoy the new rods!
  2. http://www.gcsaa.org/_common/templates/GcsaaTwoColumnLayout.aspx?id=1772&LangType=1033 since I work in the Golf industry I know what effluent water is(sorry I spelt it wrong earlier).......and it comes from sewage treatment plants, MOST of the time. Not all the time, but mostly, especially out west where water is scarce. This course is out west(AZ) so I can almost guarantee it is sewage/waste plant treated water sold to the golf course for cheap. Yeah, they put it on the local news, not as an invite, but a warning. I guess nobody listened to the part where you will be cited for trespassing.
  3. TRUE! that being said.........I will be slinging a picasso bait ball extreme is fall! 13 baits (but only 5 hooks), Hell, who am I kidding, I'll probably get the 7 wire version, lol
  4. always a rattle for me, its a confidence thing
  5. take heed....they seem like a "fullest extent of the law" type of crew. funniest part is that water is pretty nasty, as it is reclaimed/affluent water. Which means it is crap/tick water that has been filtered.
  6. much is good advice above. the DX series is THE rod as far as I am concerned. I have had or still have: 702finesse, 742, 743, 744,745,784ml, 742sf all in the Dx line and each one is awesome. the labeled techniques on the blank are true to form, as the action. I like the longer rods, so I throw trigs on the 784ml a bunch too, awesome stick. let us know what exactly you want to throw.........cause if you are throwing 3/8oz+ 10in worms you need a 745. but if you are 1/4oz rage craw or 7 in worms a 744 will be fine.
  7. wow.........having the same cell phone since '99 is a larger feat than landing a state record fish!!!!! I am not being sarcastic when I say this either.
  8. I REALLLLLLLLLY hope all these "take a pic and release it" guys catch a record fish one day! then will see who walks the walk and runs the yapper on the interwebs......
  9. I think everyone can calm down and quit telling people to go stand in the corner....... the phrase "I will beat your *** if you do that" is commonly used in my boat as well, amongst friends.
  10. never thrown the savvy. most of mine are the DX. do not get me wrong, the Duckett is a good rod and MANY MANY people love them. if I had $150 budget to buy rods I would probably have a boat full of Ducketts. I had gotten the one duckett I tried after a few years with the Dobyns DX, so I was a little spoiled. I really wanted the Ducketts to work for me, as I could have gone 2 for 1 price wise in the used market. the Dobyns do weigh more, but balances better which IMO make it fish better. I handled the duckett and dobyns side by side with the same reel. The Dobyns was like 2 maybe 3 ozs heavier on a scale, but felt lighter fishing because the Dobyns was not tip heavy at all. in this "test" the Dobyns was also 3-4 inches longer......... I do not like split handles which is an automatic strike against duckett. So as you can see most of my opinion is based on opinion and my personal preferences. but it is an honest opinion, trying to be a fan boy or blinded by hype. 1 thing I can assure you on the Ducketts, they fish a power weak. Meaning if you normally fish jigs on a MH, you need a H in a duckett. Not a knock at all, just something you need to know and try to handle the rod before buying. I hope this long rambling helps.
  11. that's awesome yall have it so close!!!! wonder if you can go watch on the water???
  12. it is sad........ again I stress EVERYONE needs to watch the Bob Lusk video. facts and myths about bass. 5-7# bass has no natural predator, taking 1, ONE out, changes the lakes dynamics! 5-7# don't taste good, they are too fatty...... 1-1.5# are the perfect eating size, and if the lake/pond/quarry has a healthy population, the harvest wont hurt a thing. even worse they are filling it in, sucks for everyone. now go stand in the corner and repeat 1000 times, I WILL NOT SHARE HONEYHOLES WITH ANYONE.
  13. yeah, it could be 3k-60k or anywhere in between...... my personal opinion to get started: if it floats, its a bass boat.
  14. I once thought about switching to duckett, just because they are cheaper, then I got one, and I dumped it REAL QUICK. Dobyns are technique driven, with many all purpose rods. Ducketts are more all purpose rods. I didn't like the feel, balance or actions with the Ducketts. I have been lucky enough to fish with a dobyns since I been fishing and it will stay that way. if you look, watch and ask around, you will see breakage issue with the ducketts....... JMO
  15. which by the way Jeff.........you need to update your sig, I seem to remember a certain senko fish........
  16. cant get 'em to the boat with the bull shad!!!!!!!, LMAO
  17. I have heard Matt Allen, who uses all braid all the time, say when using all braid move down a power in your rods. meaning if you use a heavy for jigs, switch to MH. you need the rod to provide the "give" now, since the the braid does not, as opposed to mono or flouro.
  18. and that's somewhat true........ but the guy in his garage didn't make Ci4 for shimano, or the Ipilot of Minnkota, sidescan for hummingbird ect ect. In the last 10 years R&D has brought huge tech advances to the market. but aint no big bait maker beating Bucca's Bull Shad.! I defiantly see your side, I hope you see mine.
  19. I never been a big baseball guy all sports including fishing need to "cast a big net", meaning do marketing/whatever it takes to bring in new fans/customers. fans/customers= revenue revenue= baits,rods,reels,boats being sold stuff being sold= profits profits = new baits/technology being produced new stuff produced= the new fans buying MORE stuff sports in general are hobbies and hobbies are done with extra money (not normal money), so unless people are excited about something they aint gonna spend their extra money on it. I am for whatever promotes the sport, and grows the sport. JMO
  20. if we are bringing Baseball into the equation........... don't forget EVERYBODY was watching baseball when the steroid jerks were bashing home runs which equals huge revenue.
  21. well............ Beating the banks and catching 10s seems pretty strong to me.
  22. search 00 mods/Dwight's/AJ's mexico threads from this spring and you will see plenty o hawg........
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