Wilson without a doubt set up different, and I struggled to really get a feel for it either in map study or the first few days I lauchned.
I called it a 80 foot deep ditch, for most of the time spent there. With only fishing two days, I felt really under the gun and didnt feel comfortable.
Day one, fished some ultra shallow (3-5 fow) points and such, then tried to fish some bluffs and never really liked what I saw.
Day two I tried to fish some coves and outside points....and still more of the same.
It was only when I went back out in the afternoon on day two did I really start thinking about it. Thinking about shallow being relative, and deep being relative...... thinking about how to relate my limited offshore Pickwick experiences to another lake.
I decided on the way out I was going to fish like I did at Pickwick, but I had to realize the ledge WAS the bank instead of a 1/2 mile offshore.
and sure enough, when I started to think, to use my electronics... I found a bluff that was 8-12 fow that dropped to 18-22 fow then on off into 30+.
we caught some quality fish on that drop between the 12 to 18.... then I knew 15 fow WAS dirt shallow to those fish. It really hammer home the DEPTH IS REALATIVE...... then thinkning back my other quality fish that weeneknd came out of "teen water" too.... I only caught 18 fish tthat wekend but 7 were over 4. and 6 of those were caught out of 13-18 fow.
being that there was a bunch of triple digit water and not so much single digit water any water in the teens was shallow it just took me a while to figure it out based on my limited experience.
Without doubt I think you could have caught fish out deeper on the rock piles/humps you spoke of, so I wouldnt think you to be wrong at all. They would probablt be excellent targets... and probably used along the migration route too.
as far as presentations, I dont know. I did however catch mine on a jig....... but once you get over 30 foot I would find it hard to cast, you would probably have to go verticle, BUT I dont know that , since I dont have much (any) experience fishing that deep.
I dont mind sitting in 30 casting to "teen" water..... but sitting in 80 throwing to 25 plus is daunting for most anyone, else they were taught to do so IMO.
It was interesting to fish the lake and see how it set up and to learn from it. The next week I went back to pickwick sought out new ledges. On new ledges, using the experience form the Roadtrip, I put fish in the boat....and that was pretty cool. SO even though we might not understood what Wilson was doing or how it fully set up, it is still something there to take back home and use going forward, something to gleam info and be better prepared for NEXT TIME!
I hope this ramble helps somehow.