I would say I don't want to brag about being on the "cover" of the video but I don't want to LIE either!
seriously, It is a great time, and everyone needs to try to attend, it's a total blast!
everyone is great and willing to help. hell, I'm even likable in person !
no worries about this being your 1st trip or your 9th, boat or no boat, come have fun, fish, make life long friends.
and for those wanting to come but think you don't know "enough", no sweat either, I can honestly say I learned more about fishing in that one week and the entire year I read message boards, IT'S THAT GOOD FOLKS.
To talk to others, from other parts of the country, to see how others fish, baits, style, ect. ect, you can not help but to learn something and walk away with new friends.
PLUS if you get to fish with Glenn he WILL school you on the senko!(weather permitting)
Hope to see ya'll there.
To read about more about a roadtrip first timer go here: