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Brian Needham

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Everything posted by Brian Needham

  1. I thought Scrounga was its proper name....
  2. true, you would not want to "skew" any results.
  3. great trip and fish for great guys!
  4. what is it with "guide fish" included. to me, hours fished are hours fished no matter who is fishing them, along with DD caught.
  5. sounds like big game huntin to me! hahahaha
  6. what a coincidence....so am I!
  7. I wondered the same
  8. Hope taylor will understand, see ya at Wilson !!!! (sucks if you cant come)
  9. so what is the story? did you figure out "what" it was?
  10. shop around........ I don't know your top budget, but many internet marine electronic dealers have many humminbirds on clearance making room for the new models. if you shop around you maybe able to get a bigger unit than you thought. always get the biggest you can currently afford.
  11. HA HA ! I just saw this. It really is a great time. I know last year, I was really nervous on the first day. Its amazing how catching that first fish calms a person on new water. I worried for weeks, "I am taking my boat, are people going to expect me to put them on fish? If so they got the wrong guy" ....... as I have only been fishing for a few years. I still get nervous sometimes when fishing with someone new, until that first fish in is the boat. The great thing about last year, we all caught a good amount fish...... and even if we didn't, I know everyone I fished with, I enjoyed a great conversation throughout the day. I never have had as much fun fishing as last spring at Pickwick. The people, the fish , the experience as a whole....... you just cant explain it you just have to come and see it. People always wonder if they should come, if they fit in, if they are welcome.... it is a YES!!!! Hoping to see you again this year Chris!
  12. BRILLANT!!!!!! Lunkerville, roadtrip style!
  13. hey speed..... there is rumor you are coming to your 4th ! I hope the rumor is true! we can make the sequal to southern trout eaters! edit. I can WATCH and LEARN while you make the sequal.
  14. where you been teal? How the fam? you making it to the road trip next spring?
  15. nah Yaks would do fine, while not Indigenous to the South they can survive. In all serious though, if a person was thinking about bringing a kayak, I would wait closer to time to make that decision. At this time of year on the TN river current can be rolling pretty good. They were pulling over 200k CFS of water through Pickwick last year with all the flood gates open. not sure how Wilson responds to that, but Wilson is one of the smaller lakes on the chain and may or may not release more water because of it. Being in a kayak would possibly limit a person to protected coves, and if anything bad did happen it might produce a long and hard paddle to saftey. But what do I know, I have seen people kayak on the Mississippi in a 150 year flood. I am just urging saftey.
  16. no sure about a Yak..... of course Tupelo has a petting zoo with bison. I am sure you could stop off in Kentucky to pick up hay, if not, I am sure there is a store nearby that carries sweet feed. check the resort's pet policy though.
  17. problem solved! but seriously, that seems odd on why it would do that even while fishing........ maybe DVT will have an idea or solution.
  18. did you decide on what you were going to do on the shutdown gig? look forward to fishin with ya!!!
  19. I have had it happened too when spooling new line, but a few long cast at the lake while fishing it goes away. Are you saying it happens even while fishing?
  20. Lews TP..... I got all mine for under $130. and to tell you the truth do not pass up lightly used or even refurbs. The reason I say this is you can save a hunk of money. and two by the time you send it off to get cleaned/supertuned you still have saved money over new and have a reel that performs BETTER than new.
  21. I would say I don't want to brag about being on the "cover" of the video but I don't want to LIE either! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! seriously, It is a great time, and everyone needs to try to attend, it's a total blast! everyone is great and willing to help. hell, I'm even likable in person ! no worries about this being your 1st trip or your 9th, boat or no boat, come have fun, fish, make life long friends. and for those wanting to come but think you don't know "enough", no sweat either, I can honestly say I learned more about fishing in that one week and the entire year I read message boards, IT'S THAT GOOD FOLKS. To talk to others, from other parts of the country, to see how others fish, baits, style, ect. ect, you can not help but to learn something and walk away with new friends. PLUS if you get to fish with Glenn he WILL school you on the senko!(weather permitting) Hope to see ya'll there. To read about more about a roadtrip first timer go here: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/118040-road-trip-chronicles/
  22. but 1/4 is heavy for a 701 no? I say this cause 1/4 is just about right for my 742dx
  23. wow its been awhile since I have even thought about that medium. do they even still produce it
  24. that would work if you wanted spinning ...... I think they even make a 792sf 742dx if you wanted casting
  25. actually it is probably Crappie.
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