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Brian Needham

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Everything posted by Brian Needham

  1. the walmart batteries are good, but I have not used them......they are however relabled Interstates, which I have used and I really liked them. I compared all the RC, weight, cost, size and the Interstates were the best bang for the buck($125), so the walmarts stands to be just as good and will be around $20-$30 cheaper. that said, I am running odyssey batteries now cause that what was in my boat when I bought it.
  2. I been wanting to get over there too.....something always seems to come up. anyword on shad kill yet? Arig bite fired up yet? the flow rate has been good and consitant......so they should be biting. I hope to find out soon.
  3. several angles at play here. I wouldnt be happy about being back boated all day either. $25 is not "a bargin" its standard.... looking at the team clubs in my area, its $50 a boat, and many that includes big bass. 1. boaters should fish against boaters and non boaters fish against non boater (just like the big leagues) 2. if I am fishing against the boater and get back seated all day, that guy is not getting a penny of gas money........ just like in my boat, I never take gas money from people cause I fish where and how I want, and burn the gas I want to burn, thats not the non boaters choice, so why should be pay? now if the guy I am fishing with has spots, by all means speak up and I will take you there. In fact I will even help you catch them, lol. 3. talk to the boaters and see whats his plan to fish the night before so you can be better perpared, even tell him your plan as well? ......... even though this is a good way to get your spots burned. 4. talk about having more a ulitmate match fishing rules where both guys get control of trolling motor at least some of the time. 5. buy a boat then kick their ass next year? 6. tell the club to pound sand and find another club 7. have the club switch to more of a "team" atmostspere so both people in the boat have a interest in catching fish, and helping each other...... thats what club fishing is about right? good luck!
  4. CDmeyer........its never too early! Lets get em!
  5. two solid choices. enjoy!
  6. I once heard (youtube) kevin short talk about how he sent one of his lews in for cleaning and they said "heres a new one" he said no just clean my old one there isnt anything wrong with it.
  7. the 742casting is the perfect 5inch senko rod IMO. I have thrown a 5in senko on both 742c and 743c both casting and I pefer it on the 742c. sometimes my 742 is tied up with a 1/4oz shakeyhead and I have to throw it on the 743 (with a core) and its fine...... but if I was getting a rod dedicated to the 5in senko it would be the 742, as I said I perfer it. if you were going spinning you could go 743 since the spinning 743 is much like the 742casting.......(see civicrr quote) Civicrr is a great wealth of info.....google querry brings up many of his old post from around the net, good stuff. the 742 is one of the least talked about/underated rods in the Dobyns line up, IMO. good luck and when in doubt call Gary, but I would be shocked if he didnt tell you much the same.
  8. 4000......... now thats funny!!!!!!! Hope you had a great Christmas and holiday!
  9. most folks ran to venice, LA during the 2011? classic(KVD won fishing much closer)...... so long runs are in their nature.
  10. well food and entertainment are both covered..... this may indeed be the best road trip ever!!!!
  11. I will send mine in this week as well............ I am looking forward to the road trip to up my numbers, I never really got into fish after the road trip. lets get em in 2014!!
  12. Catt that is an excellent project for everyone! I wish I could look to exsisting cover and determine bottom hardness..... I have read some on the topic, but seem to go brain dead on the water and not pay the attention I should.
  13. yeah I said screw it and ordered a BNIB gen4 today from my local shop. Supported a local guy that has helped me in the past. Be here tomorrow at noon. I forgot about buds, so thank for the link Speed! I'll look them up for next time, you cant just have one Glock right?
  14. no its not free...... but for 480 otd I would want it thrown in. I am a believer if you have to reload you better be prepared to go for broke. the gun has it sits, I feel is a buy at 425....... they have it stickered at 460 + tax -4% (creditcard fee) if paying cash. I told him, I am an easy buyer...... cash with a CC permit so all you got to do is count money, no background. I been wanting a 19 for a while, but refuse to pay more than I want to.
  15. went to a local pawn shop/outfitter today. bought some new boots.......anyways walked over to the gun counter and saw a used G19 gen 3 (almost positive) took it out and look at it.... very clean gun, not a scratch on it, slide n\looked all but new. OTD price $480.... seems high, but guns, especially great condition glocks aint cheap. dealing with a pawn shop here, so it came in either hock or trade..... I would think at least for that price they would throw in the 33rd mag sitting next to it? what do yall think?
  16. just saw this...... you got it buddy
  17. I am not irish......but I am Southern. would I have responded different if you were male? based on the fact I try to judge people on merit I would like to say no...... but the simple fact is us as humans and more so the male/female interaction relationship there are certian things hard wired into us.... so indeed if you were male I would have been more harsh, not that mean to be less harsh, its the whole nurture vs alpha male pack animal deal. did your response have anything to do you being female? of course it did, you are female. your motherly insticnt kicked in, because you percieved a youngling was been attacked (real or unreal is of no matter), that response is hard wired into you from nature. You have it whether you like it or not....... or perhaps, and this is just a perhaps, you and coryn have PM'ed enough or talked outside the boards and have become parabonded, not outside the realm of human interactions yet somewhat a strech given the distance that separates. back to fishing...... all the above and earlier statements are curious. I say that because in Human life it is the male that is most often labeled non caring (lack of a better term) or stand offish. yet in fish it IS THE male that hangs with the offspring more so than the female. where in humans the male are labeled as the ones to just "seed and go" it is the female that does it in fish. interesting indeed. so anyways, about the spotted bass. They are agressive and hearty spwaners. Smaller than others, but probably eat the most. They like cleaner water and often deeper as well, often to be found in current or around current. I really enjoy catching spots, though many find them almost a trash fish due to their high spawning rates. They can and will over time, outcompete large or small mouth bass in many settings. The TN river has plenty of them but georgia is probably the most well know for its magnum spots(at least in the south). There and the Coosa River in alabama hope this helps.
  18. aint that a shocker ???? says the guy posting in a football thread on a fishing forum.........I KID I KID !!!
  19. IDK Root Beer........how does MC Hammer go broke? professional athletes go broke all the time.....its not unheard of.
  20. Snook I get that. I only posted my comment because OP was looking for more a small town living. Florida while great for many styles of fishing might not be to his liking lifestyle wise. Give me a cabin on the TN River.
  21. are you impling we should give a kid a pass because he is a kid? That would not be doing him a favor, IMO..... if anyone had taken unfair shots at anyone, which they haven't. it dont matter if you are 6, 16, or 60..... this has been a rational disscussion where people have stated points, and other have stated counter points. Anything else would be spilt milk, so lets not read so much into it. Coryn, seems to be smart enough, have enough vocabulary and man enough to handle himself..... what I would find embarrassing is a stanger trying to play momma bear on the internet. in the south we call it ...... if ya gonna run with the big dogs... I am not calling you wrong, and not saying what your feelings or Coryn's feeling should be. I do however find your post interesting.... I do because I like the people dynamic of life. The interaction between people, mostly male and female...... The Game, some call it.
  22. Gustov Von Visor aint going anywhere. but the Texas job does fit Nick.....Texas has enough money to buy him and he has a big enough ego to want 3 rings from 3 different schools which has never been done before(i think) it would firmly cement him as best ever
  23. any line choice should be complimented by a line conditioner.
  24. the problem with Florida nowadays is it is basicly a suburb of new york.
  25. on plays that they ran 3 linemen they got gashed.......in the first half when they were winning/swaping scores and creating turnovers Mizzo did well with 4 linemen, it was the 3 linemen that allowed the corners to be free to the run. It was clear Auburn had no intention of really throwing the ball..... you have to stop something. Mizzo failed to make the adjustments thats a coaching issue not a talent issue. Mizzo clearly had the talent to beat Auburn. Auburn really aint head and shoulders above Mizzo, they racked up a bunch of yards and put up impressive stats to only win really a field goal game.
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