thanks, Heavy dluxe!
yes we are all on the same side, which is why said that list is "devils adovcate"
but I shall contend..... Ben Franklin said Beer is proof that there is a God, and he loves us! so it must be an inaleinable right!!!! LMAO just a little humor to start the morning.
really though, the list shows all the things we do, while not supected of a crime, we show ID. so I dont find it a big deal to show it to LEO. I dont find it an infringment on my 4th or 5th..... I find it (as a law abiding guy) helping LEO...... no if they want to pilfer through my truck, or generally pat me down, then thats a different story. we probably disagree on that one and thats ok cause that is a really fine line. that said, I totally agree on the difference between private sector asking for ID(cold medicine ect) and GOV asking.
I dont wouldnt consent to searches either, though I never been asked either. on the off chance I am stopped, I tell them I am CC, LEO ask where is it, I tell them, LEO says dont show me yours and I wont show you mine..... everyone walks away happy and safe.
I must say too, many of my thoughts and practices are due to what happened in my town a few years ago..... a soverign citizen and his 16 year old son were getting off the exit here and were pulled over for speeding (IIRC) he didnt have a drivers license cause he didnt believe in it, traffic stop continued yadda yadda.... then the 16 year old son pops out of the van with an AK47 and mows down the 2 LEOS on the side of the road left for dead, both LEO die..... all becasue this idiot thought paying for a DL was infringeing on his "rights" ..... the 2 sovergin citizens get trapped in the walmart parking trying to change plates and die in a hail of gun fire....... 2 LEO lost their life, and a few other injured , plus 2 citizens died..... all because someone didnt want to show or have ID. IMO, there is no reason for any of that to happen.
I think we all agree on the camera jockys are sad and is amazing how a spoonfull of poop ruins the entire bowl of ice cream!
thanks for joining the fray..... I like talking about these types of things and getting in depth without degrading to a "I am more conservative or more correct than you"........ so amen corners are a ok!
I love the castle doctrine, stand your ground laws btw.