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Brian Needham

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Everything posted by Brian Needham

  1. anyway you want!! I hear Glenn gives lessons.....
  2. the water is populated with all three..... largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass. I think I caught 75+/- fish last year. Out of those 8-10 were smallmouth and 3 were spots. the Smallmouth bite is going to be a timing deal, as they are now moved up, and by the roadtrip they will probably be moved deeper....... but it all really depends on current and many other factors. some guys got into a 30 or so smallmouth day last year, but I cant remmeebr who...... might have been Dinky or Procrafter. you might not catch one all week or you might be on them ALL week.... that's the fun in fishing such a diverse lake!
  3. and for cranks...... remember Randy Haynes blew away the everstart on pickwick while we were there.... 6xd in sexy shad and citrus shad also the Surrat brothers who caught 23-25# a day in the same tournament, they locked through to Wilson every morning and thier fish were caught on a big hammer in the "sara's shad" color. The Surrat brothers fininshed #2 and #3.
  4. I am going out on a limb and say the standard...... Green pumpkin, watermelon, ect you can always dip it in JJs for a color change. dont forget the Zoom magnum shakeyhead worms in Watermelon Candy! lots of guys used straight watermelon with the tail dipped in JJ as you probably remember. and above all dont forget the JIGS!!!!!! now a local question....... the more and more I read the more and more I see the color plum come up in TN river chain discussions..... is this prevelant color I have missed?
  5. I think there is a lot to be said for what red earth is saying.
  6. I think what everyone is elluding to is..... you are not an American, so why question our laws. We have lots of things here that yall Canadians dont, it is what it is. this thread is a prime example of why we are even LUCKY to have a gun forum here. the reason you are suspected as a troll in this case is you ask a question in a gun forum from an anti gun tone, not even knowing what an "assualt rifle" even is...and matter of factly state our country is full of nut jobs ... then continue the charade further in your responses. how would you take it if we railed on Canada? that's a serious reply, eh.
  7. thats awesome you are getting into it. most of the video seems to revolve around a 8in hudd.... I know there are other baits dicussed in depth, but the 8 in hudd seems to be the standard, in SB fishing and the video. I like Matt Peters' style.... check him out on youtube if you havent already.... I learned a bunch from that video and his you tube channel, but the big swimbaits aint my thing. I still have my 68s and 5 and 6 inch bullshads, I just cant do the 8 in hudds. I will be looking for your pictures soon!!!
  8. it is an awesome video........ if you are watching it in preparation to get into swimbaits, then good luck! chunking 3+oz baits aint for the weary.
  9. in full consideration of the orginial post in this thread I have to say: don't feed the troll.
  10. Great Summary RoLo!!!! thats about as good as it gets, combining all of our thoughts on the topic. short story....... I went for 2 days and had about 15 or so spots mark on my map, I ran most of them not getting bit, or seeing fish.... so I backed up and punted.... went to a few spots I have fished before caught a few, then scanned the map and ran new water silmilar to my old spots and caught fish the rest of the day. when you boild it all down, I really think it has to be a mix of both. Catt understands the "why" better than most folks, especially on his home lakes, as he has fished it for a while..... someone like me, I am still looking for the why, and the spots that make it the why.... hopefully in 40 years I'll have it all clocked and have the 100 waypoint milkrun too.
  11. I burn up my debit card.... I havent written a check in forever. Debit/credit cards do cost the business money, like 3% IIRC..... which is why you see the $5 min on card purchase signs.
  12. MacP--- that is SOLID stuff right there! FLW fished there last year right? I think I rememebr the guys really jockeying for spots..... big lake, but fishes small. Seems like there was 2-3 spots that evereyone wanted to fish, almost side by side. is that your experience?
  13. that guy in the link is the southern SPEEDBEAD. !!!!!!!!!!
  14. that's so awesome!
  15. that list of names is not surprising at their finish....... now look at the top 10, none of those guys are suprising either.... thats a "style" deal, not memory/new water deal. and you know that Catt.
  16. stop the presses!!!!!!!!!!! make sure the SUN came up today!!!!!! I agree with Snook....... OH MY, I never thought the day would come!!!!!! seriously, it is pretty good advice... I think the most rods Ihave have bought at a time was 3, and I wound up selling one of those.
  17. I figured you has that many spots, since you have TB clocked. I suppose my point is, its all new water if a person hasn't fished it yet........... my "home" lake is 40k+ acres, so I got a while, LOL. TO answer the guide fishing question I say, then why don't the guides win all the tournaments? IMO, it is because there is always a better way to fish it, somewhere or something that can be changed or refined with the "current pattern" Guides do have 100s if not a 1000 spots, but they didn't find them not fishing new stuff each time out. I don't want you to think I am trying to argue, I am not. my thoughts are this thread or the message contained, was not intended for people like you, people that already have their lake clocked..... but more for people like me, that have a long journey ahead, fishing a bigger lake and that need to hear, don't be afraid to try somewhere new. Even still, I bet even you have a few spots you might not have fished in a few years. many times we hear a pro say on sunday afternoon........ " my fish quit and I pulled into a place I never fished before yesterday and that's how I won." That is the beauty of fishing(to me).... trying to solve a jgsaw puzzle where the pieces are always changing their shape! Thank goodness we have a lifetime to try!
  18. I don't know if I ever spent $1200 at one whack before on fishing........ unless it involved a Humminbird.
  19. map study and seasonal patterns......... even the one guy in the link said he dedicates a day of practice to "off-the-wall" stuff, something totally different than the pack. I know you are wanting someone to say history, but the link I posted states a different story. If Brent Ehrler says he don't go back to old winning spots, I'll take his word for it.......along with everyone else that said the same. when Mark Rose says he always fishes a new spot on the TN River every time out, I'll listen. I have actually read interview after interview and article after article today about this topic....... and every Pro, expert, writer has all said...... If you aint fishing new water you are fishing dead water. Catt, I more than listen when you speak here at Bass Resource. You are with out doubt top 5 in knowledge around here. I just think both sides, for and against are drawing hard lines that don't need drawn. Remembering depth, weather, season, wind, ect, ect is more important than spot, IMO...... but I am not near the fisherman you are. a friend and I were in a discussion the other day about "when do you know, you know the lake. When do you know you have it clocked" the mutual answer we came up with was when you have at least 6 "spots" per season and have 3-4 back ups to go with those to catch em in any weather, any current, pre and post front.......... and you cant come up with those fishing the same place everytime out. for a guy like you, Catt, you obviously catch fish anytime you want, and it works for you....... but I don't necessarily think you are camping on the same point/ledge everytime out for the last 50 years either.
  20. it is custom to have a full, detailed report from all attendees. that is to ensure we get to read the story several times.....
  21. not really....... I spot lock and fish of the back deck regularly and I don't mind. 1. many times I fish two on the front deck 2. open water they will not matter as you are making overhead cast....... or if flipping you are going 90 degree to the boat cast 3. if they do bother you can lower out of the way I suppose
  22. I only had like 4-5 channels growing up and was always outside, so TV wasn't a mainstay....... I do remember going to the local public library and checking out videos of Dance, Martin, Houston, those were good times!
  23. Is it really that good over there?? I commented on the top 100 thread that I was surprised at the high ranking, as I just don't hear loads of press coming out the lake.
  24. THAT"S gonna leave a mark!!! what size you running? its a fishermans worst fear...... hope you get it all worked out soon!
  25. I am surprised Chickamauga is ranked so high..... I never fished it so I am not saying it is not deserved, just saying I just don't see a bunch of press coming out of there on a regualar basis. I am also "surprised" Kentucky Lake is ranked so "low" happy though about Pickwick, I guess I can now say I fish one of the top 20 lakes in the country, Lol
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