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Everything posted by jmed999

  1. Does anyone know what the prespawn and spawn temp is for crappie? I'm planning to go fishing this weeekend and I'm thinking I'm a little early for the real active bass. Maybe The Crappie are active/prespawn. My home automation system tells me exactly what the water temp is on my cell phone so I can track it very closely (it's currently 50F). So if I know the prespawn and spawn temp of Crappie I can decide what rods to bring (Crappie or bass) before I go. Thanks for the help!
  2. I'm in Aiken. I've chatted with you before but you may not remember. I live on an 8 acre pond. You should come fishing sometime! The water temp here is about 50 degrees at sunrise.
  3. I'm in SC and we have had cooler than normal weather the past few weeks. I'm thinking this may push the spawn out a little this year. Are you guys thinking the same thing? Thoughts?
  4. Well shoot. I can't find bricks so I'm going to use the half cinder blocks (8 x8 x8). I ran a test and those half cinder blocks are sinking them very fast. I could even use something lighter. These trees are super light.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I actually want them to lay down in 4-5 feet of water. I really don't have the time for quickrete. Great idea though just don't think it will work for what I'm doing today. Will a couple bricks tied to each end sink a small to medium Christmas tree? Thanks guys!
  6. In the past I have tied a cinder block to each end of the tree with wire. The problem is this is very heavy and cumbersome. I'm thinking about tying a couple of bricks to each end this time to the 40 I'm sinking today. I'm thinking this will go quicker and wont be as fatiguing. By the way, the trees I'm sinking are small to medium trees (~6ft tall by 2ft diameter). Will a brick or two tied to each end be heavy enough? There's no current in my pond but would like them to stay in place if someone gets a lure hung and tries to pull it lose. Thanks guys!
  7. Guys, I built a 10 foot wide by 12 foot long stationary dock on my 8 acre pond. Now I’m wanting to put some lights around it to attract fish. My plan is to attract them in two ways. First, I would like enough light to penetrate the water and attract them that way since fish like light (as far as I know anyways). Second, I would like the light to attract bugs. As the bugs fall to the water that should also attract fish. With this in mind, what lights do you suggest I use. I was thinking about low voltage LED lights but I heard they don’t attract bugs. Is that true? What about something like this… http://www.lowes.com...URL=&facetInfo= those are the LED version of this… http://www.lowes.com...ollow&cId=PDIO1 Do you guys have any recomendations? Thanks!
  8. Bass spawn more than once per year? In the spring and what other time of year?
  9. Yeah it sounds like bluegills. Is it a bad idea to catch the bluegills off the beds? Thanks guys!
  10. I'm pretty sure we don't have any of those 3.
  11. I live in SC and have an 8 acre pond. Some type of fish is bedding as I can see the beds. The fish are on them and protecting them but I can't get close enough to see what kind of fish they are. As far as I know we have Blue gill, Shellcracker, bullhead, and bass. We may have some other kind of fish too. Thoughts? Thanks!
  12. Tennessee?!?!?! I thought their color was yellow, lol! Gooooo Clemson Tigers!
  13. I have tons of t-shirts that are the color of my favorite college football team. They are pretty bright orange. Seems like fish run from me as I approach even if I'm far away. I can see them with my polarized glasses 20-30 feet away. When I wear dark (green or brow)n t-shirts they don't seem to do this until I get closer. Anyone else notice this? Does anyone try to camouflage themselves by wearing dark browns and greens to improve their fishing? Just curious? Thanks!
  14. I have some topwater lures that do not rattle (ie. spook) and I have some that rattle ( ie. spook one knocker). When is it best to use the silent ones and when is it best to use one that rattles? ie, water clarity, temp, etc. Thanks for the help guys!!!
  15. After lots of research....it's Argulus fish louse. I'm not sure if they are bad an if so how to get rid of them.
  16. Tonight I caught a couple bass in my pond and both of them had some very small slimy things crawling on them. Any idea what it is? Almost looked like some sort of slimy mite. I would guess they were about 2 mm long. Thanks for the help!
  17. They were in one little area and not in a swarm. They were just hanging out in very shallow water trying to stay away from predators.
  18. These little guys are only about half an inch long. Not sure what they are. Anyone know? Thanks
  19. I have 7 Ducket rods...I love them. They are the best rods in that price range IMO. I would go with the 6'-9" MH for an all purpose rod.
  20. I live in a subdivision that has an 8 acre body of water in the middle surrounded by houses. It has tons of bass in it and many other fish. It is managed by our homeowners association. Water pours into our pond/lake via a weir from the next body of water upstream if you will. On the other end of our pond/lake we have a dam and another weir allowing water to flow out and into the next body of water downstream. Our pond/lake has been around for about 80 years and was man made. Our body of water also has a few springs that also help it stay full but the water mostly comes from the pond/lake upstream and of course from rain. People use it for Jon boat fishing, kayaking, canoeing and other recreational activities. Is this a pond or a lake and why? Thanks! I have lived here for a long time and people call it both and I'm still not sure what it is, lol!
  21. hmmmmm. I don't have any lead weights on my rig if I go weightless. Seems like with normal swimbaits if there is any curve to them at all they will helicopter on me. Maybe the Magic Shad are different. Thanks for your help!
  22. Do you use a weighted swimbait hook? How do you keep them from helicoptering? Thanks!
  23. What size Johnson Silver Minnow are you using?
  24. I'm fishing in an 8 acre pond that is only 12 feet deep at the deepest part. My bama rig seems to go to the bottom when reeling it in at a normal speed. I'm looking for ways to reduce the overall weight. I'm currently using... Manns Alabama Rig http://www.basspro.com/Mann’s-Original-Alabama-Rig/product/12010405012419/357665 Yum Umbrella Assesory kit http://www.basspro.com/YUM®-YUMbrella™-Accessory-Kit/product/12020405010914/386180 How would going weightless on the outside of the rig affect the presentation? What other ways could I reduce the overall weight? Thanks!
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