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Everything posted by Diggy

  1. Keep her home, tell her to warm the frying pan up
  2. All I needed to hear, thanks
  3. Mh/h Berkley lightning rod..cost effective..you can buy 3 to 4 for 100 bucks lol
  4. Do you think its better than the other choice even with less bearings?
  5. I like the new snakehead video @ capt shane
  6. I hear you and my feet are barely wet. I started with a walmart baitcast combo 2 months ago. I got a citica last week and a tec spec pole, now I dont know how to act....On my next upgrade I may fish with a tophat, 3 piece suit and monocle. Once I get 2 curados, Im leaving my woman!
  7. I wont have to drive far then
  8. The slyder seems to have alot of good reviews as Im looking online. Theres a write up on tackle tour for it where it got a good rating. I cant find much on the other reel other than walmart where people said it makes noise. Ill stick to this I guess I dont expect it to feel like my citica I have 90 days to return anyway if things arent kosher
  9. I got the slyder, Walmart had it for 59, they don't honor online pricing. Bought some power pro. The other one wasn't in stock. I may hold off on opening just in case I go to the other and it's there based on your recs
  10. I have 60 dollars in store credit there. I need a 7.0:1 reel to go on a lightning rod mainly for frogs for now. Any experience or advice with this. I plan to get it tomorrow. I know the slyder is in stock, the other...not so much, but 4 walmarts are close by to me 64 dollars-- +4 not including tax(over budget) Pinnacle Fishing Coda CD10XLT Baitcast Reel The one-piece graphite frame is extremely strong yet light weight. Its super high speed 7.0 to 1 gear ratio recovers 30 inches of line per handle turn and the magnetic cast control virtually eliminates backlash. Expect rock-solid hook sets with Unlimited Anti Reverse. 10 Stainless Steel Bearings Reinforced Light Weight Graphite Frame Fully Adjustable Magnetic Cast Control System Super High Speed 7.0:1 Gear Ratio Unlimited Anti Reverse Double Anodized Machined Aluminum Spool Titanium Shielded Line Guide Quick Access Removable Side Plate Multi Stack Drag Washers Audible Click Star Drag 47.18 on clearance from 59 Pinnacle Fishing Vision Finesse Slyder SYF10X Baitcast Reel The new Pinnacle Vision Finesse Slyder reel will allow you to feel the bottom and control bait movement with your thumb. Entice fish to strike with finesse movements of the bait. Ideal for fishing plastics, jigs, or drop shot. Exclusive Finesse Sliding Dial 6 Bearings including 1 Roller Bearing 7.0:1 Super High Speed Gear Ratio Unlimited Anti Reverse Ported Machined Aluminum Spool Fully Adjustable Magnetic Cast Control with 5 Magnets The main benefit to the less expensive reel is it leaves me money to buy line. It also has that nifty finesse fishing wheel on it. I was able to find a review for it on tackle tour and a youtube video(slyder). The coda = nada. Im coming from a platinum plus combo, so would these feel better overall? .
  11. I read that in VA, its not as big as an epidemic as thought. They arent overrunning the area or killing off all of the other fish. Saw it on this forum somewhere found it "The latest issue of Virginia Wildlife has a short article on the Northern Snakehead. It seems largemouth bass, bluegill and pumpkinseed each comprise less than 1% of the diet of SHs. Killifish seem to be the preferred food. White perch also seem to represent a decent portion of the diet. The article also has a far less alarming tone than one heard a few years ago. Seems the Northern Snakehead aren't the plague once feared. The size of the fish in the photos must provide incredible action on bass rigs. The fish LOOK awesome. And I understand they are delectable." wonder how true it is
  12. Id hate to owe you money, lol sounds like a winner
  13. Anyone use these?...If not, I wonder how good these rods will perform for being in the budget rods category.
  14. thats photoshop!!! trick photography
  15. Got the 6 6 yesterday, trying to see if I like it or not yet. I like the amount oh guides it has.
  16. Not bad doing ship to store then. Not worth the hour drive unless i'm down in area. Did drive to get a citica for 75
  17. I just got one from Dick's for 75
  18. any specific spots? I know a few in sunrise, near oakland and 115th and behind wharehouses on nob hill south of commercial blvd
  19. The shipping prices stink..its over 61.98 with tax. I can probably grab a better reel in the marketplace for the same price shipped Ill sleep on it
  20. Got a Berkley LR 7ft mh for 22.49 @ gander will pick up a tec spec also and a few more lrs for that price
  21. I will buy 1 , can't pass up
  22. Thanks
  23. I looked at the jerk bait/all purpose rod, felt pretty nice
  24. Thanks for the insight
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